Sleep Disorder Research Funding: So Close, Yet So Far Away

Call goes out for advocacy for Congress to override Presidential veto for funding.

Washington, DC, November 26, 2007 --( The American Sleep Apnea Association is asking for help in promoting funding for sleep disorder research after a recent bill was vetoed by the President.

The House and Senate conference committee had agreed to include the additional funds to the CDC for sleep disorders.

$1,000,000 had been aimed toward activities related to sleep disorders within the community health promotion. However, President Bush vetoed the spending bill that included that appropriation.

At the present time, the decision has been placed upon Congress to override the President’s veto or adjust the spending to an agreeable amount.

Those who would like to assist in keeping the proposal in the running are encouraged to contact the US Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 to get in touch with their senator’s or representative’s offices and speak with the Health Legislative Assistant.

Those who contact the above offices are encouraged to specifically express their interest in funding sleep research as well as solicit votes to override the veto of the Labor-HHS Appropriations bill.

A list of Congressional members may be found at

For additional information on sleep apnea advocacy, long onto the American Sleep Apnea website

American Sleep Apnea Association
L. Anne Carrington