REmapper – State-of-the-Art Real Estate Investment Software

San Jose, CA, November 30, 2007 --( Imagine being able to accurately pinpoint a property’s future value, so that everyone from investors to brokers to agents to developers can make informed and profitable purchase and location decisions. REmapper(TM), the newest and most innovative real estate Web site to hit the Internet in years, delivers just that and more.

REmapperTM offers a system of proprietary algorithms that take much of the guesswork out of real estate investing and a unique location analysis tool. The software applies proven statistical analysis to the latest economic and demographic data. Unique data such as block level business growth and vacancy are updated monthly and quarterly, allowing everyone to consider forecasted values when buying or selling property. By filtering through up to 640 variables that affect property values at the block level, REmapperTM will help investors make smart, informed decisions, and give real estate professionals and agents a tool to sell with quality information, like no other.

Why REmapper Has an Edge Over the Other Conventional Software?

Most Real Estate sites simply have what’s on the market and price trends. However, what is most important to the investor or home owner or real estate professional, is what affects price movement at the local level. Typically price alone has anywhere from 45% to 75% of what affects price movement, say the mathematicians at REmapperTM. REmapper lets Real Estate professionals view the remaining variables in both real-time rendered gradient maps and least-squared monthly regression lines (to reduce outliers) to the block level. With such unique monthly and quarterly variables as: new jobs, new businesses, growth, income change, and the latest vacancy figures which statistically makes up for what is missing in the elements than just looking at prices.

Dynamic maps, as opposed to static or simple mash-ups: Each time the user zooms, the maps are re-rendered on the fly and the scale in the legend changes, based upon the XY axis of the map. The maps dynamically change every time the user zooms in-or-out of an area. Real estate is all about location, location, location, and locating the right street within the right block is critical. All real estate is relative, and each time the maps are rendered relative to the area, or zoom level. Find the best block within a zip code or the best street within a county to build or invest is what REmapper delivers. Simply put, revolutionary…

Eddie Godshalk is the director of REmapper Corp., a renowned real estate software company, sought for by many real estate professionals and newbie investors. Founded in 2004 REmapperTM is behind the cutting-edge Real Estate Investment Software that provides interactive dynamic maps and graphs that deliver economic data and forecast values for the real estate industry to ensure greater returns on your real estate investment.

REmapper(TM) Corp.
Edward Godshalk