Baseball’s Civil War Origins Revealed in The American Game

Book reveals how the great American sport formed during America’s greatest struggle through a story of enemy soldiers coming together to play a series of games.

Burbank, CA, July 01, 2015 --( The great American sport of baseball was not invented by one man, but rather by individuals all across the country, pressed together during the nation’s greatest conflict, the Civil War. The rules were forged through compromise as each soldier brought his own rules from home to throw into the mix. At times, soldiers even played the game with the enemy.

This unusual dynamic is dramatized in the novel The American Game by Jeff McArthur and Bandwagon Books. In it, enemy soldiers have to lay down their arms and trust their fellow man as they learn to play the new sport together. Friendships are formed, a family reunites, but the war is not far off, and will soon catch up with them.

Though it is a novelization, The American Game draws from many true life historical events and facts. The characters’ lives are woven through the fabric of the war, and the methods by which the game was created are based on real life decisions made by individuals in every corner of the nation.

Jeff McArthur is the bestselling author of Two Gun Hart: Lawman, Cowboy, and Long-Lost Brother of Al Capone, The Great Heist, and the Relic Worlds science fiction series. He lives in southern California where he writes books, designs games, creates videos, and occasionally works in the film industry.

The American Game will be available for free on Amazon through the 4th of July weekend in celebration of the holiday, and is available on Kindle and at select bookstores. You can see more about the book and the extraordinary story at:

If you’d like more information about this, or to schedule an interview with Jeff McArthur, please call 818-631-3185 or email him at
Bandwagon Books
Jeff McArthur