Glenn Rogers Releases Book 2 of "The Colemans Trilogy, The Journal"

Estherville, IA, July 08, 2015 --( Glenn Rogers’ frontier thriller trilogy continues with The Colemans Book 2 The Journal. In Book 1 The Reckoning, the Coleman brothers learned that their father, Royce Coleman was a famous mountain man. In Book 2 The Journal, they discover that their daddy kept a journal of his days as a mountain man, a journal filled with stories that is a joy for them to read. They also learn that their father was a spy for the Union in the Civil War.

Recuperating from the bloody confrontation with their parents’ killers, Caleb and Zack Coleman are surprised by a young woman bursting into their room claiming to have their father’s journal, a book that contains secrets that powerful people in Washington, D.C. will kill to keep secret.

When the boys learn that it was their father’s intent to have the information in his journal given to honest and just people in Washington, Caleb and Zack decide to see to it that their daddy’s goal is realized. To get the job done, the boys must travel from Colorado to California and then clear back to Washington, D.C., where they are surprised to find that President Johnson knew their father and considered him a trusted friend.

With Emma Langly, the young woman who brought them their daddy’s journal, as their new traveling partner, the boys face an adversary that knew and respected their father, a man who was perhaps their father’s equal and who will kill the sons of Royce Coleman if need be to keep the secrets of the journal secret. Once Caleb and Zack become aware of their deadly opponent, they struggle with the ethics of how to deal with an enemy who intends to kill them if necessary, but who hasn’t moved against them yet.

Rogers, a college professor in a small town in Iowa, believes that a good story should not only be entertaining, but thought provoking. “The best stories,” Rogers says, “make you think about ethical concerns or important issues of one sort or another. The best writers are those who can tell a story that not only entertains but provokes thoughtful consideration.”

When he’s not in class teaching philosophy, Rogers is writing fiction. To write accurately about Royce Coleman’s life as a mountain man, Rogers did extensive research into the lives and adventures of the real mountain men of the 1820s and 30s, reading several of the actual journals the explorers and trappers kept as they opened the American frontier.

The Colemans Book 2 The Journal is available from Amazon as a Kindle book or as a paperback or hardback. All of Rogers’ novels are highlighted on his website:
Glenn Rogers