Glenn Rogers Releases Book 3 of "Frontier Thriller, The Colemans, The Knife"

Estherville, IA, July 08, 2015 --( In Glenn Rogers’ The Colemans Book 3 The Knife, Caleb Coleman is arrested in Santa Fe, New Mexico, for the murder of his soon to be father-in-law, Colonel Edmund Cabot. Beth, the Colonel’s daughter and Caleb’s fiancée, is devastated. She believes Caleb to be innocent, as does Zack. But believing Caleb is innocent, even knowing he is, and proving it in a court of law are very different things.

Caleb and Zack had been through a lot since they left Cumberlands almost a year ago. There had been many obstacles to overcome. And the brothers had overcome, and survived and flourished. But they had done it together. Now, with Caleb in jail, soon to be tried for murder, fifteen-year-old Zack must find the real killer and prove his brother’s innocence on his own.

To make matters worse, Zack becomes embroiled in an ongoing conflict between wealthy cattle ranchers in the area and Mexican sheepherders. When Zack intervenes on behalf of a nine-year-old Mexican boy who was being brutalized by a cowhand, Zack has to kill the young cowhand in self-defense. The young man’s hateful father vows to even the score for the death of his son, and Zack has to watch his back. The local constable is useless, neither trying to find the Colonel’s killer nor protecting the sheepherders from the cattle ranchers.

To give himself an edge, Zack contacts President Johnson (who knew their father and was very appreciative of their efforts on behalf of his administration—Book 2 The Journal) and asks to be appointed a Deputy U.S. Marshall. President Johnson agrees and deputizes Zack giving him the authority he needs to investigate the Colonel’s murder and deal with the lawless cattle ranchers.

Before Zack can prove Caleb’s innocence, he will travel from Santa Fe to Philadelphia and back again, a journey that exposes him to realities that he finds nearly incomprehensible.

Rogers, a philosophy professor and history buff, did extensive research in writing all three volumes of The Colemans. But for Rogers, it takes more than action, drama, and historically accurate details to make a good story. The characters in all of Rogers’ novels face moral challenges and ethical questions that require them to think about good and evil and the kind of people they want to be. That is certainly true in The Colemans Book 3 The Knife, which is available from Amazon as a Kindle book or as a paperback or hardback. All of Rogers’ novels are highlighted on his website:
Glenn Rogers
Glenn Rogers