Sweet Adelines International Celebrates 70th Anniversary of Barbershop A Cappella Harmony

July 13, 2015, marks the 70th anniversary of Sweet Adelines International, the world's largest organization of women barbershop a cappella singers.

Sweet Adelines International Celebrates 70th Anniversary of Barbershop A Cappella Harmony
Tulsa, OK, July 12, 2015 --(PR.com)-- July 13, 2015, marks the 70th anniversary of Sweet Adelines International. It was on this day in 1945 that Edna Mae Anderson gathered together a small group of women in her living room in Tulsa, Okla., for the founding meeting of what would soon become known as Sweet Adelines.

Barbershop a cappella harmony was dominated by men in 1945, but, undeterred, Anderson’s stated mission was clear: “We should like to organize a group to be made up of women who love music, who get a thrill, or a tingling of the spine from being part of a chord, or just listening to the harmony sung by others.”

In just two years, Sweet Adelines had 1,500 members in 14 states. Today, Sweet Adelines International spans the globe — across all 50 states, reaching 13-plus countries on five continents, from the farthest reaches of the Australian Outback to the United Arab Emirates to Sweden — with nearly 23,000 members.

With each ringing chord that comes from a new member discovering barbershop harmony, Sweet Adelines the world over are keeping their founder’s spirit and mission alive, ensuring 70 more years of harmony for future generations.

Sweet Adelines International is committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop a cappella harmony through education, competition and performance.
Sweet Adelines International
Tena Wooldridge