Jacqui Spence, Author Has Gone Digital

Jacqui Spence has gone digital. eBooks are available on Smashwords and other online book stores. Get an autographed copy of the printed books from her website: www.jacquispence.com. Check out the current newsletter, tips for writers and contests that are being held.

Hartford, CT, July 15, 2015 --(PR.com)-- The author, Jacqui Spence, who was born and raised in Mt. Vernon, NY has finally gone digital.

You can find the e-books on smashwords and other online bookstores.

Amongst Friends, With Friends Like These…

You know the expression, "With friends like these, who needs enemies?" Sometimes Angel wonders the same thing about her friends. She loves them, she hates them, she loves them intensely and sometimes she'd love to kill them. When one of her friends dies in a mysterious car crash, can it be that love actually killed him? Follow Angel's journey as she loves them, leaves them and gets deceived by them. With all of the lies, betrayals, and yes, murder, can these friendships last the test of time?

No Longer Friends
Angel’s back. And she’s better than ever. She’s determined to prove that Reggie’s death was no accident. As she begins gathering her evidence, she finds out that her best friend, JT, is having her followed and he wants her dead. Now she’s adopted the motto of “Trust No One” – Trusting JT cost a friend his life and trust is a luxury she can’t afford. She’s determined to find out who cut the brakes on the car, even if it means her own life.

Coming Soon: Fallen From Grace
A dangerous man is one with nothing else to lose. George lost everything after his marriage to Grace ended. He lost it all; his wife, his kids, his home, his job. He would’ve lost the family dog too, if they had one. George is now a dangerous man and about time Grace knew it.

Get autographed copies of her books from her website, www.JacquiSpence.com. Sign up for the newsletter, view Tips for Writers and check out the contests that she’s holding.

Contest: Name the Bookworm. Jacqui has been calling her mascot Wormy. But now it’s time for a new name. Be creative and you may be the winner of a $50 gift card. Good Luck. Contest ends August 15, 2015.
Jacqui Spence