Tippedia - the New YouTube Channel for Sharing Tips

Tippedia is the new YouTube Channel for sharing tips. The tips can be a recipe, great restaurants, vacation destinations, building a home to tips on making money. Those that submit the tips are the producer. The tips can be in video or written form. Tippedia supports and promotes user generated content. Online content producers continue in growth and Tippedia is yet another outlet for sharing content.

New Brtain, CT, August 17, 2015 --(PR.com)-- Tippedia is the new YouTube Channel for sharing tips. The tips can be a recipe, a great restaurant, home restoration, writing a press release, vacation destinations to tips on making money. The list is endless. Those that submit tips are the producer. The tips can be in video or written form. On camera presentations are highly effective and recommended. The use of cell phone camera footage is allowed. All tips are reviewed for approval. Once approved, tips are uploaded to Tippedia's YouTube channel. Tips are assigned a category and placed in a playlist that best identifies with the topic. Topics are searchable and along with the playlist categories, consumers will have a site friendly online experience. People who visit the site should come away with a bit more knowledge to share. Tippedia supports and promotes user generated content. No longer housed in radio, television and newspaper establishments, the wave of self content producers continues to grow. The self content producer has brought about changes on the social, cultural and economic levels that impact the world. Tippedia works with the new generation of self publishers and is an outlet for the exchange of creative ideas that can be shared throughout the world. Suggested length is 60 seconds. Check it out at: http://tinyurl.com/nho8w63

Tippedia: The social sharing tip site.
James A. Whitsett, Jr.