American Made Toys - Holiday Delivery Still Available for USA Made Toys and Other Safe Gifts for Babies, Kids and Teens
Finding safe toys, toys made in the USA just got a lot easier with the website With the Holidays so close and so many Chinese made toys flooding the market now being re-called with lead paint or other serious hazards, the founders of thought there ought to be an easier way to find safe toys for holiday giving. The owners, parents themselves, although their little ones are bigger now, have gathered a wonderful array of safe toy web sites.

Scottsdale, AZ, December 06, 2007 --( “I combed the stores for days only to find that every toy on the shelf was stamped made in China. We never really thought about it but when the news started breaking about one Chinese made toy recall after another for all sorts of horrible safety reasons – well, who would give something like that to a child? That's why we started," explains Rita. So Rita, a banker by profession and her marketing executive husband John burned the midnight oil gathering an impressive collection of bright and exciting web merchants offering wonderful, safe, fun toys made in the USA as well as Europe. “The way we see it, it’s all about giving fun safe toys to the kids this Christmas. I mean, how awful would it be for a toy to harm your child or any child you give a Christmas toy to – or poison them with lead. How could you live with yourself after something like that? We believe European toys can be trusted too - just as much if not more than USA made toys – their laws and supervision are just as strict if not stricter than ours about that sort of thing.”
When you visit the site you’ll be pleasantly surprised with a wonderful range of offerings – babies to teens, even a Holiday treats and toys for Fido and Fluffy. For the older kids you’ll find music, electronics, video games – all the things they want – and jewelry, fragrance and teen cosmetics for the girls. A quick scan of the shops included in reveals some very impressive special Holiday offers and discounts, too. So in addition to a time saver could just be your Holiday life saver.
When you visit the site you’ll be pleasantly surprised with a wonderful range of offerings – babies to teens, even a Holiday treats and toys for Fido and Fluffy. For the older kids you’ll find music, electronics, video games – all the things they want – and jewelry, fragrance and teen cosmetics for the girls. A quick scan of the shops included in reveals some very impressive special Holiday offers and discounts, too. So in addition to a time saver could just be your Holiday life saver.
American Made Toys
John Elef
John Elef
