Today's American Woman National Elegant Mrs. 2015 Speaks Up for Spaying and Neutering Animals

Today's American Woman National Elegant Mrs. 2015 speaks up for spaying and Neutering Animals. With the pet overpopulation, please consider spaying and neutering your pets.

Oklahoma City, OK, August 27, 2015 --( Today's American Woman National Elegant Mrs. 2015, Elizabeth Reeve, helped at the pre-Pet Expo and the Pet Expo on August 22, 2015 to help bring awareness to Pet Rescues and the need to spay and neuter your pets. There is a pet overpopulation in Oklahoma, and individuals need to be more alert on making sure their animals are fixed in order not to add to the issues.

According to the Humane Society of America:
About 2.4 million healthy, adoptable cats and dogs—about one every 13 seconds—are put down in U.S. shelters each year. Often these animals are the offspring of cherished family pets. Spay/neuter is a proven way to reduce pet overpopulation, ensuring that every pet has a family to love them.

According to the ASPCA:

It is impossible to determine how many stray dogs and cats live in the United States; estimates for cats alone range up to 70 million.

The average number of litters a fertile cat produces is one to two a year; the average number of kittens is four to six per litter.

The average number of litters a fertile dog produces is one a year; the average number of puppies is four to six.

Owned cats and dogs generally live longer, healthier lives than strays.

Many strays are lost pets who were not kept properly indoors or provided with identification.

Only 10% of the animals received by shelters have been spayed or neutered, while 83% of pet dogs and 91% of pet cats are spayed or neutered.

The cost of spaying or neutering a pet is less than the cost of raising puppies or kittens for a year.

When considering these numbers by both agencies, there is work to be done by the individuals who own pets. It is important to considering spaying and neutering the pets to help prevent pet overpopulation.
Elizabeth Reeve