The Knowledge Group
The Knowledge Group

Jennifer M. Smith, Attorney, Stewart and Stewart, to Speak at KC’s Iranian Sanctions and the JCPOA: Updates in 2015 & Beyond Live Webcast

New York, NY, August 28, 2015 --( The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Jennifer M. Smith, Attorney, Stewart and Stewart, will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Iranian Sanctions and the JCPOA: Updates in 2015 & Beyond LIVE Webcast.” This event is scheduled for Wednesday, September 9, 2015 @ 3:00 to 5:00 PM (ET)

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About Jennifer M. Smith

Jennifer M. Smith is an associate of the Law Offices of Stewart and Stewart and a 2008 graduate of Georgetown University Law Center. She has experience in a variety of international trade law matters, including antidumping and countervailing duty proceedings, customs, export controls, economic sanctions and embargoes, anti-boycott, trade adjustment assistance, and international and bilateral trade agreements and dispute resolution processes.

Ms. Smith has represented clients before numerous agencies, including the Department of Commerce, International Trade Commission, Department of State, Department of the Treasury, Customs and Border Protection, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, and the Department of Labor. She also assists clients in performing import and export compliance reviews and due diligence reviews for mergers and acquisitions transactions. Ms. Smith has also clerked at the United States Court of International Trade.

About Stewart and Stewart

Stewart and Stewart has provided advice and assistance to importers and exporters under US regulatory requirements and represented companies and workers facing problems at home or abroad from trade matters for more than 56 years.

With experience in international economic sanctions imposed under the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) regulations, the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) as well as other export control and export licensing regimes, Stewart and Stewart helps U.S. and foreign firms seeking export licenses for products, services, and technologies; provides advice and representation regarding all aspects of voluntary disclosures and/or enforcement actions and litigation; designs and helps companies implement comprehensive compliance programs; provides advocacy in securing approvals and mitigating penalties for violations; and provides policy advice and monitoring services to ensure that our clients maintain compliance programs that fully address the current state of the law and government enforcement priorities.

Event Synopsis:
The US government has imposed economic sanctions in one form or another on Iran since the Iranian Revolution of 1979. The most recent round of sanctions originated in 2006 when the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1696[2], imposed sanctions after Iran refused to stop its uranium enrichment program. Recently however, a deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was brokered among Iran, the US, and five other major world powers that may ultimately end certain sanctions on Iran and allow international nuclear inspectors back in the country. The United Nations followed suit shortly thereafter with its own resolution to lift the sanctions.

While the JCPOA could potentially represent a tectonic shift in US – Iran diplomatic relations, many questions surrounding its implementation remain. The Knowledge Group has assembled a panel of key thought leaders and practitioners to provide a robust and insightful discussion of the JCPOA and how it may affect Iran, the US, and its international counterparts in 2015 and beyond.

Key topics to be discussed will include:

· An overview of prohibitions and restrictions imposed under current U.S. and EU sanctions vis-à-vis Iran.
· An overview of recent enforcement actions for violations of the Iran sanctions.
· An overview of the provisions of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreed upon by Iran, the United States and other P5+1 countries on July 14th as it relates to the easing of U.S. and EU sanctions on Iran, the extent to which such sanctions will potentially be removed, and the conditions and timeline for the implementation of such provisions.
· Assuming the provisions of the JCPOA with respect to the easing of U.S. and EU sanctions on Iran are in fact implemented, and Iran complies with its obligations, what will be the scope of permissible commercial activities in or relating to Iran by U.S. Persons and their foreign subsidiaries or affiliates and by their EU competitors?
· Until such time when the provisions of the JCPOA with respect to the easing of U.S. sanctions on Iran are in fact implemented, what will be the scope of permissible activities by U.S. Persons and their foreign subsidiaries or affiliates (as well as their EU competitors) who may be interested in exploring or pursuing commercial opportunities in or related to Iran?

About The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series

The Knowledge Congress was established with the mission to produce unbiased, objective, and educational live webinars that examine industry trends and regulatory changes from a variety of different perspectives. The goal is to deliver a unique multilevel analysis of an important issue affecting business in a highly focused format. To contact or register to an event, please visit:
The Knowledge Group
Thomas LaPointe, Jr., Executive Director
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Account Management & Member Services