Miniature Artist EJ Meissner Begins Bizarre Bottled Water Art Project
Artist EJ Meissner, creator of two of the World’s smallest violins, announces his latest project: frigginwater, an “Art As Product” line of bizarre bottled waters, each with strange storylines and corresponding artwork. The bottle “styles” will tackle current events and American culture, always with an odd and humorous bent. One new “style” will be released each month.
Seattle, WA, December 10, 2007 --( The first “style”, Chinese Lite Style Water, boasts having “50% less melamine, diethylene glycol, ammonia, formaldehyde, Sudan dyes, industrial wax, E. coli, cyanuric acid, dioxin, benzopyrene, and lead than our Regular frigginwater Chinese Style Water!”, which, the artist points out, highlights one of the problems with importing products, particularly those meant for consumption, from countries who lack the health and safety regulations and controls, which US consumers demand, in the name of larger corporate profits.
Meant to be inexpensive collectibles with social commentary, they may also be drank, as they are being produced by US FDA approved bottlers.
EJ Meissner first made Nationwide news across the US in 1977, when he created two of the World’s smallest fully functional violins in an attempt to break a Guinness Book World record. The smaller of the two, at 1 5/8 inches, was acknowledged as the smallest the Guinness people had ever heard of at the time, but the category was removed that year. For more information, see the website at:
EJ Meissner
3438 10th Ave W, Seattle WA 98119
Meant to be inexpensive collectibles with social commentary, they may also be drank, as they are being produced by US FDA approved bottlers.
EJ Meissner first made Nationwide news across the US in 1977, when he created two of the World’s smallest fully functional violins in an attempt to break a Guinness Book World record. The smaller of the two, at 1 5/8 inches, was acknowledged as the smallest the Guinness people had ever heard of at the time, but the category was removed that year. For more information, see the website at:
EJ Meissner
3438 10th Ave W, Seattle WA 98119
EJ Meissner
EJ Meissner
