Mom Parodies Taylor Swift's "Blank Space," About How Hard It is to Get Taylor Swift Concert Tickets

Boca Raton married mother of 2 writes her own version of Taylor Swift's song, Blank Space, in the hopes that she can get tickets to Swift's concert. The Taylor Swift 1989 tour is playing at the American Airline's Arena on October 27, 2015.

Boca Raton, FL, October 22, 2015 --( Deena Lurie, a married, mother of 2 teens was asked by her child to go to the Taylor Swift concert. The Taylor Swift 1989 tour is playing at the American Airline's Arena on October 27, 2015. Lurie proceeded to look online at the various ticket sites. What was immediately surprising was that the tickets went on sale a year ago. The show was sold out, of course, since it was only a few weeks until the date.

Lurie expected there would be high third-party prices for the tickets, but was astounded by how exorbitant the prices were. "The lowest I found were $500 per tickets and these were for the very top sections, with a partial or side view. I couldn't believe it. I can see a third-party seller or scalper to double the price, but this was insane."

Lurie, a communications and pr executive decided to take matters into her own hands - and put her writing skills to work. "My son's a huge fan of Swift. It would make his day - month - year - life - to experience a concert of hers. Without 'dating' myself too much - I remember my first concerts so vividly...Michael Jackson, Billy Joel. These are some of my best memories. I'd love nothing more than to give my son, Alex, that same gift."

What came next was a creative, fun version of Swift's hit, Blank Space. The lyrics:

Taylor Swift, where've you been?
I’ve heard you sing incredible things
Called the radio stations and tried to win
Tickets to your concert here next week...
Oh my God, look at that price
The scalpers charge much more than twice
We want those tickets, what do you say?
We have some money, saved up to go
Saw the date in a magazine
Ain't it funny, how quickly
Those tickets got away from me
So hey, let's be friends
We're dying to see how the concert ends
Grab your limo and our hands
I can be the coolest mom for a weekend
So we’re gonna be there Tuesday?
Or we’re just gonna watch it on TV?
You can tell me that you’ll help us
So I can avoid being so lame
I’ve got a short list of teen children
They'll tell you I'm insane
'Cause you know we love you Taylor
And you love your fans the same
'Cause we're not young and not reckless
We'll take the safest car
All the way to Miami
From Boca it’s pretty far
I’ve got a short list of teen children
They'll tell you I'm insane
Can you leave 2 at will call baby?
Please write our name

Lurie and her husband both handle pr and communications for non-profits in South Florida. She can be reached at
Deena Lurie