UK MOD to Discuss UK Military RPAS Regulations at SMi’s 15th Annual Conference on Unmanned Arial Systems
SMi are proud to announce that Squadron Leader Nichola Rennet, Military Aviation Authority, UK MOD will be delivering a presentation on UK Military RPAS Regulations on Day One of the event which takes place in London on the 19th – 20th November 2015. This year's must-attend conference will bring together selected military representatives and civil experts from across the continent in order to debate the future of this rapidly evolving industry.
London, United Kingdom, November 07, 2015 --( In her presentation Squadron Leader Nichola Rennet will cover the following topics:
• Requirement to formalise the regulation of RPAS within the UK Defence Air Environment
• Development of bespoke RPAS regulations proportionate to Risk to Life
• Impact of RPAS regulations on the user community
•RPAS proliferation – the next regulatory challenge
With the conference being only 2 weeks away, places of this must-attend event are filling fast. If you want to secure your place, please visit or contact Guy Hippisley Cox on +44 20 7827 6197 or
Back in January 2015 the new RPAS regulations introduced a classification system where RPAS are categorised according to criteria which includes their size, how they are operated and what risk to life they potentially pose to people on the ground. The category an RPAS receives will now determine the level of regulation it will have to meet, ranging from full compliance for the largest RPAS presenting the greatest risk to life down to no regulation for the smallest.
The classification system, along with more specific regulations for RPAS, has created a much improved regulatory regime which is proportional and effective because it recognises the broad range of RPAS types and the appropriate level of regulation for each of them.*
With over 30 selected military representatives and civil experts joining UK MOD at UAS 2015 attendees will also receive the latest information and updates on UAV topics such as:
1. UAVS in Operations – Get insights from United States Air Force, Spanish Air Force, Portuguese Police Force, Swedish Armed Forces and NATO
2. Small Unmanned Systems – Presentations will be given by Colonel Birger Mejlholm, Danish Army Intelligence Centre and Dr Stephen Prior, University Of Southampton
3. Autonomous Weaponised Drones - Future Warfare & Ethics – Joint panel discussion with the Portuguese Police Force, VIVID/futureVision and University Of Southampton
4. Air Space Integration & Policy – The European Defence Agency, SESAR Joint Undertaking, House of Commons, EuroUSC and OECD will provide unique know-how on the most recent developments and regulations
5. Air Space Integration, Innovation & Legislation Synergy – Interactive panel discussion with OECD, SESAR Joint Undertaking, EuroUSC, European Defence Agency and Danish Army Intelligence Centre
6. Technology And Future Thinking - VIVID/futureVision and University Of Twente on the new roles, new rules, new thinking and the next generation of UAS
Attendees will benefit from UAS 2015 as they will be able to:
• Examine the integration of UAV’s into protected national and international air space
• Review the procurement forecasts, technological advancements and new applications of UAS
• Discuss the influence of commercial tech developments and critical analysis of the ramifications of these on the military
• Evaluate the importance of scale and the impact of small and nano-sized UAV’s on training and operations
• Debate the ethical and legislative concerns in regards to UAS use in ISR and surveillance in both the Military and law enforcement
• Explore the measures being taken to counter UAS strikes and create greater autonomy wit
• Hear from the latest case studies and lessons learned
There is also the opportunity to take part in an interactive half-day pre-conference workshop entitled COUNTER-UAS: THE NEXT ARMS RACE? Hosted by Squadron Leader (Ret'd) Keven Gambold, CEO, Unmanned Experts on the 18th November 2015.
For more information and to register, please visit or contact Guy Hippisley Cox on +44 20 7827 6197 or email
For media enquiries contact Ina Luft on +44 20 7827 6732 or email
15th annual conference on Unmanned Arial Systems
19 – 20 November 2015
Contact email:
Contact Number: Guy Hippisley Cox +44 20 7827 6197
Event website:
• Requirement to formalise the regulation of RPAS within the UK Defence Air Environment
• Development of bespoke RPAS regulations proportionate to Risk to Life
• Impact of RPAS regulations on the user community
•RPAS proliferation – the next regulatory challenge
With the conference being only 2 weeks away, places of this must-attend event are filling fast. If you want to secure your place, please visit or contact Guy Hippisley Cox on +44 20 7827 6197 or
Back in January 2015 the new RPAS regulations introduced a classification system where RPAS are categorised according to criteria which includes their size, how they are operated and what risk to life they potentially pose to people on the ground. The category an RPAS receives will now determine the level of regulation it will have to meet, ranging from full compliance for the largest RPAS presenting the greatest risk to life down to no regulation for the smallest.
The classification system, along with more specific regulations for RPAS, has created a much improved regulatory regime which is proportional and effective because it recognises the broad range of RPAS types and the appropriate level of regulation for each of them.*
With over 30 selected military representatives and civil experts joining UK MOD at UAS 2015 attendees will also receive the latest information and updates on UAV topics such as:
1. UAVS in Operations – Get insights from United States Air Force, Spanish Air Force, Portuguese Police Force, Swedish Armed Forces and NATO
2. Small Unmanned Systems – Presentations will be given by Colonel Birger Mejlholm, Danish Army Intelligence Centre and Dr Stephen Prior, University Of Southampton
3. Autonomous Weaponised Drones - Future Warfare & Ethics – Joint panel discussion with the Portuguese Police Force, VIVID/futureVision and University Of Southampton
4. Air Space Integration & Policy – The European Defence Agency, SESAR Joint Undertaking, House of Commons, EuroUSC and OECD will provide unique know-how on the most recent developments and regulations
5. Air Space Integration, Innovation & Legislation Synergy – Interactive panel discussion with OECD, SESAR Joint Undertaking, EuroUSC, European Defence Agency and Danish Army Intelligence Centre
6. Technology And Future Thinking - VIVID/futureVision and University Of Twente on the new roles, new rules, new thinking and the next generation of UAS
Attendees will benefit from UAS 2015 as they will be able to:
• Examine the integration of UAV’s into protected national and international air space
• Review the procurement forecasts, technological advancements and new applications of UAS
• Discuss the influence of commercial tech developments and critical analysis of the ramifications of these on the military
• Evaluate the importance of scale and the impact of small and nano-sized UAV’s on training and operations
• Debate the ethical and legislative concerns in regards to UAS use in ISR and surveillance in both the Military and law enforcement
• Explore the measures being taken to counter UAS strikes and create greater autonomy wit
• Hear from the latest case studies and lessons learned
There is also the opportunity to take part in an interactive half-day pre-conference workshop entitled COUNTER-UAS: THE NEXT ARMS RACE? Hosted by Squadron Leader (Ret'd) Keven Gambold, CEO, Unmanned Experts on the 18th November 2015.
For more information and to register, please visit or contact Guy Hippisley Cox on +44 20 7827 6197 or email
For media enquiries contact Ina Luft on +44 20 7827 6732 or email
15th annual conference on Unmanned Arial Systems
19 – 20 November 2015
Contact email:
Contact Number: Guy Hippisley Cox +44 20 7827 6197
Event website:
SMi Group
Ina Luft
+44 20 7827 6197
Ina Luft
+44 20 7827 6197
