PR Firm Exhibits Trade Show Tactics

Releases Strategy for Trade Show Media Success

Los Angeles, CA, December 19, 2007 --( Discovering the story value of your business is the first step to understanding what journalists need to know. Where do you fit into the Media Moment is the question T&S Partners PR Group ask each time they assess new business.

Is the cultural currency significant, or is the need for this product still in developmental stages? Introducing that need at Trade Shows, as well as the product itself, is often the point of departure for their PR campaigns.

'"Every industry has important trade shows. Knowing the right ones to exhibit at can make all the difference with your success," explained Todd Lee managing director of T&S Partners PR Group, With trade show revenues rising 11.3 % in the second quarter of 2007 alone, Trade Shows are one of the costliest expenditures in a company's marketing mix commented Lee.

Yet companies often focus too much of their strategy and budget on giveaways and don't take advantage of the great opportunity to engage the Media attending the show. The right Trade Show Press Kit can make all the difference in reaching reporters and producers looking for the next hot item, advises Beth Mandel, creative partner at T&S Partner's PR Group. "It's the best way to present a product's story, as well as the industry facts and figures that signify its importance," Mandel stated. "including newsworthy angles helps your story be told and ensures that your knowledge and authority are conveyed," she said definitively.

Mandel and Lee discuss the many PR aspects of achieving Trade Show ROI in their Trade Show Tactics Blog at They take a public relations approach to Trade Show Exhibiting, believing that every trade show encounter is a reflection on your Brand. Download their "Five Tips To Trade Show Media Success" at

T&S Partners PR Group
Beth Mandel