New PLJ Issue "Interviews with Gene Ambaum and Corban Addison" Has Been Released
Includes photographs and stories about bestselling authors like Amy Tan, Sandra Cisneros, Susan Boyer and Jacqueline Woodson, acclaimed actors like Paul Giamatti, David Strathairn and Rosie Perez, and the producer of REM’s first two albums, Don Dixon.
Augusta, GA, December 15, 2015 --( Interviews with Gene Ambaum and Corban Addison: Volume VII, Issue 3, Fall 2015: ($20, 214pp, 6X9″, ISBN: 978-1-519787-95-8, 40+ photographs; But printed book on Amazon or CreateSpace; or purchase a Kindle for $2.99): This issue of the Pennsylvania Literary Journal includes an interview with Gene Ambaum, one of the creators of the popular Unshelved cartoon about a library. The second featured interview is with Corban Addison, the author of three international bestselling novels, "A Walk Across the Sun," "The Garden of Burning Sand," and "The Tears of Dark Water." There is also the largest selection of extensive book reviews to appear in PLJ to-date with starred reviews in all genres, in fiction and non-fiction, and from both high and low-brow literature. The essays section includes Keith Moser’s exploration of the post-Marxist philosophy of Jean Baudrillard and Michel Serres, and Marco R. S. Post’s study of monologue and dialogue in J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace. You will also find varied short stories (comedies, absurdities, tragedies, and mysteries) from J. T. Townley, Tommy Partl, Rachel Veroff and Thomas Elson, and new poetry from re-appearing authors, Howard Winn and Louis Gallo.
Pennsylvania Literary Journal (ISSN#: 2151-3066; Library of Congress Catalog Number: PN80.P46) is a printed peer-reviewed journal that publishes critical essays, book-reviews, short stories, interviews, photographs, art, and poetry. PLJ is available through the EBSCO Academic Complete and ProQuest databases in full-text. It is also on sale as single issues on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and most other online bookstores. It is cataloged in the MLA International Bibliography, the MLA Directory of Periodicals, Genamics JournalSeek, and Duotrope’s Digest. PLJ has published works by and interviews with New York Times bestselling writers like Larry Niven and Cinda Williams Chima. Dr. R. Joseph Rodríguez received the 2015 CCCC Lavender Rhetorics Award for Excellence in Queer Scholarship’s Article Award for his article, "There Are Many Rooms" which appeared in Volume VI, Issue 1 of the Pennsylvania Literary Journal (El Paso Inc).
Subscription: To subscribe to 3 annual issues for $45 (includes shipping), email Director Anna Faktorovich at with your payment preference.
Anna Faktorovich is the Director and Founder of the Anaphora Literary Press. Previously, she taught college English for three years at the Edinboro University of Pennsylvania and the Middle Georgia State College. She has a Ph.D. in English Literature and Criticism. She published two academic books with McFarland: Rebellion as Genre in the Novels of Scott, Dickens and Stevenson (2013) and The Formulas of Popular Fiction: Elements of Fantasy, Science Fiction, Romance, Religious and Mystery Novels. She published two poetry collections Improvisational Arguments (Fomite Press, 2011) and Battle for Athens (Anaphora, 2012). She also released the first in a historical novels series, The Romances of George Sand (2014), which will be followed by, The Battle for Democracy (2016). She published two fantasy novellas with Grim’s Labyrinth Publishing: The Great Love of Queen Margaret, the Vampire (2014) and The Campaigns against the Olden: Kingdoms of Laruta (2014). She also wrote and illustrated a children’s book, The Sloths and I (Anaphora, 2013). She has been editing and writing for the independent, tri-annual Pennsylvania Literary Journal since 2009.
Pennsylvania Literary Journal (ISSN#: 2151-3066; Library of Congress Catalog Number: PN80.P46) is a printed peer-reviewed journal that publishes critical essays, book-reviews, short stories, interviews, photographs, art, and poetry. PLJ is available through the EBSCO Academic Complete and ProQuest databases in full-text. It is also on sale as single issues on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and most other online bookstores. It is cataloged in the MLA International Bibliography, the MLA Directory of Periodicals, Genamics JournalSeek, and Duotrope’s Digest. PLJ has published works by and interviews with New York Times bestselling writers like Larry Niven and Cinda Williams Chima. Dr. R. Joseph Rodríguez received the 2015 CCCC Lavender Rhetorics Award for Excellence in Queer Scholarship’s Article Award for his article, "There Are Many Rooms" which appeared in Volume VI, Issue 1 of the Pennsylvania Literary Journal (El Paso Inc).
Subscription: To subscribe to 3 annual issues for $45 (includes shipping), email Director Anna Faktorovich at with your payment preference.
Anna Faktorovich is the Director and Founder of the Anaphora Literary Press. Previously, she taught college English for three years at the Edinboro University of Pennsylvania and the Middle Georgia State College. She has a Ph.D. in English Literature and Criticism. She published two academic books with McFarland: Rebellion as Genre in the Novels of Scott, Dickens and Stevenson (2013) and The Formulas of Popular Fiction: Elements of Fantasy, Science Fiction, Romance, Religious and Mystery Novels. She published two poetry collections Improvisational Arguments (Fomite Press, 2011) and Battle for Athens (Anaphora, 2012). She also released the first in a historical novels series, The Romances of George Sand (2014), which will be followed by, The Battle for Democracy (2016). She published two fantasy novellas with Grim’s Labyrinth Publishing: The Great Love of Queen Margaret, the Vampire (2014) and The Campaigns against the Olden: Kingdoms of Laruta (2014). She also wrote and illustrated a children’s book, The Sloths and I (Anaphora, 2013). She has been editing and writing for the independent, tri-annual Pennsylvania Literary Journal since 2009.
Anaphora Literary Press
Anna Faktorovich
Facebook: anna.faktorovich
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Anna Faktorovich
Facebook: anna.faktorovich
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Twitter: AnnaFaktorovich
