Father/Son Addiction Recovery Book on Amazon

Dustin John, and his late father, Dallas, recently wrote a book together about Dustin’s recovery from heroin addiction. The book, “A Walk in his Shoes,” is an addiction memoir written consecutively by both the affected family member and the addict.

Santaquin, UT, January 12, 2016 --(PR.com)-- Dustin John, and his late father, Dallas, recently wrote a book together about Dustin’s recovery from heroin addiction. The book, “A Walk in his Shoes,” is an addiction memoir written consecutively by both the affected family member and the addict.

“My father died before the final manuscript was published, but I promised him before he died that I would get the valuable information out to the public,” Dustin said. "I have now been sober from heroin for many years, and I work to educate families against the stigmas and misinformation involved with addiction. Addiction is so widespread, everyone will eventually be affected by it in one way or another. I know this information is extremely valuable and needs to be told.” "A Walk in His Shoes" is now available in hardcopy and ebook through Amazon.
Dustin John