Connie Ragen Green, Santa Clarita, California Resident, Teaches Ebook Writing and Marketing to Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

Connie Ragen Green is now teaching entrepreneurs and small business owners how to write and market ebooks.

Santa Clarita, CA, December 24, 2007 --( Connie Ragen Green, author and speaker, is now teaching entrepreneurs and small business owners how to write, publish, and market their ebooks online through her program, Ebook Writing and Marketing Secrets.

Using ecourses and teleseminars, Connie Ragen Green will show clients how to write and sell their ebook quickly on the internet. The purpose of the program is to teach people how to position themselves as an expert in their field and boost their business by becoming an author.

These courses and teleseminars will take you step by step through the process of coming up with an idea for your ebook, reasearching your topic, finding the keywords related to your topic, and beginning the writing process.

Once your ebook is completed you will learn how to set up a blog, website, and database management system to successfully sell your ebook.

Green has been teaching since 1987 and has written more than 300 articles, several short reports and three ebooks during 2007.

Connie Ragen Green