30 Mass Murders 380 Killed Detailed in New Book "Mass Murder in America'

"Mass Murder in America" has been released. It is a review of the thirty deadliest mass murders in America, real life horror stories from 1949 Camden, New Jersey to 2015 San Bernardino, California from author Ron Irwin.

30 Mass Murders 380 Killed Detailed in New Book "Mass Murder in America'
Burbank, CA, January 20, 2016 --(PR.com)-- Author Ron Irwin has this day released his twelfth book entitled "Mass Murder in America." The book presents a detailed rendition of thirty of the deadliest mass murders in American history from ‘The Walk of Death’ in Camden, New Jersey in 1949 to the still simmering carnage at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California in 2015. From each of those mass murder incidents Ron Irwin has distilled a summary of some fascinating factual information. Of course, most of the mass murderers were known to have severe mental issues, but most of them also came from broken homes, many clearly involved drugs both prescription and illegal and the majority ended their rampage either by suicide or suicide by cop.

"This is truly the most powerful horror story ever told if for no other reason than it all really happened. There is also no doubt but that it will happen again. The one inescapable fact gleaned from this over view is that none of us are completely safe, any time or anywhere," said Ron Irwin.

Film and television rights of Mass Murder in America have already been optioned to Apple Road Films, LLC for development and production.

The book will soon be available at amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com. But it is available immediately at www.lulu.com then simply enter Mass Murder in America in the search bar.

Media Contact:
Ron Irwin
Tel: 917-963-5770917-963-5770
Email: drcommunicator@gmail.com

Note: Review copies of the book are available to bona fide media upon request.
Ron Irwin