The Knowledge Group
The Knowledge Group

The Knowledge Group Has Scheduled a Live Webcast on The Rocky Road for the FCC’s Interpretation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act in 2016

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, announced today that it has scheduled a live webcast entitled: The Rocky Road for the FCC’s Interpretation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act in 2016 Live Webcast. This two-hour event is scheduled on April 5, 2016 at 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM (ET).

New York, NY, January 29, 2016 --( Over the years, companies have been capitalizing on automated calls and text messages to expand business opportunities and connect with potential customers. While found effective, negative feedbacks were also generated from consumers who experienced telemarketing abuses. Under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), unwanted commercial calls, text messages and faxed advertisements are restricted unless a business obtain prior express consent before placing autodialed or prerecorded voice messages (PVM) to consumers' residential phones.

As these restrictions were deemed to be vague and would virtually affect industries, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has issued implementing regulations that will further interpret TCPA provisions. Recently, a Declaratory Ruling and Order was released by the FCC to provide guidance and clarification with respect to the various requirements and scope of liability under the Act. This new ruling may present compliance challenges to businesses that would likely result to increased consumer lawsuits. Thus, it is with great importance that companies keep themselves abreast with these developments and revise their policies accordingly to mitigate risks and avoid compliance traps.

In this two-hour Live Webcast, a panel of key thought leaders, regulators and practitioners will offer a discussion of the fundamental aspects of the TCPA as well as recent regulatory developments regarding the latest and significant issues surrounding this topic. This LIVE webcast aims to help the audience avoid common pitfalls and risk issues relating to the TCPA and the FCC’s corresponding regulations.

Key issues that will be covered in this course are:
• The Telephone Consumer Protection Act – An Overview
• Recent Developments in TCPA Regulation and Litigation
• FCC Declaratory Ruling and Order
• Business Implications and Remedies
• Privacy Rights and Protections for Subscribers
• Potential Risks, Costs and Damages
• Possible Penalties for TCPA Violations
• Best Risk Mitigation Practices

Speakers/Faculty Panel
Kazerouni Law Group APC
Abbas Kazerounian, Esq.

Shook, Hardy & Bacon L.L.P.
Rebecca J. Schwartz

Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
Meredith C. Slawe & Seamus C. Duffy

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP
Karen S. Hockstad

For an updated list of the faculty panel, please visit:

About The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series
The Knowledge Group brings together the world's leading authorities and industry participants through informative two-hour webcasts that study the impact of changing regulations and help businesses succeed through proper regulatory compliance. Visit for further information and inquiry.
The Knowledge Group
Thomas LaPointe, Jr., Executive Director
Therese Lumbao, Director
Account Management & Member Services