The Knowledge Group
The Knowledge Group

Christopher Csordas with Crowe GHP Horwath to Speak at the Knowledge Group’s Intangible Assets Valuation Event

Christopher Csordas, Advisory Senior Manager, Valuation Services, Forensic & Litigation Services, Crowe GHP Horwath to Speak at the Knowledge Group’s Valuation of Your Intangible Assets: Practical Tools and Applications in 2016 Live Webcast.

New York, NY, February 20, 2016 --( The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Christopher Csordas, Advisory Senior Manager, Valuation Services, Forensic & Litigation Services, Crowe GHP Horwath will speak at the Knowledge Group’s webcast entitled: “Valuation of Your Intangible Assets: Practical Tools and Applications in 2016.” This event is scheduled for March 11, 2016 from 12:00pm – 2:00pm (ET).

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About Christopher Csordas

Christopher Csordas is an Advisory Senior Manager in the Valuation Services and Forensic & Litigation Services practices of Crowe GHP Horwath. With over 12 years of direct experience including 8 at a Big Four firm, Mr. Csordas has been engaged in performing valuation analyses and reviewing third-party valuations related to financial reporting, domestic and international tax, and strategic matters. Mr. Csordas focuses a major portion of his practice on the valuation of intellectual property assets and equity interest for clients in the technology, consumer products, and health care industries.

About Crowe GHP Horwath

Denver-based Crowe GHP Horwath has more than five decades of experience providing local and international firms with the unparalleled accounting and advisory services they need. With solutions tailored to individual concerns, companies are rewarded by having a committed team to support all their business endeavors. Crowe GHP Horwath eliminates the burden of having to work with several different service providers and takes the time to fully understand their clients' businesses from top to bottom. In today's ever-changing business climate, partnering with a company like Crowe GHP Horwath makes every decision easier and puts firms on track for future success. Additionally, Crowe GHP Horwath is a member of Crowe Horwath International, a global network of independent accounting and advisory firms spanning the world. Through this membership they can provide clients with detailed, market-specific information, no matter where their company does business.

Event Synopsis:

Establishing values for a company’s assets is required for many purposes. Valuation is essential in marketing strategies, financial reporting, and during a merger or acquisition just to name a few. There are numerous valuation methodologies available, and in many cases the application of different methods will result in large variations in the ultimate value conclusion. Not all methodologies are appropriate for all assets. Intangible assets are increasingly more valuable and constitute increasingly larger portions of the total assets of a business. Since July 2001, under the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Summary of Statement No. 141 (now FASB Accounting Standards Codification Topic (ASC) 805), all companies have been required to report the value of acquired intangible assets apart from goodwill, and under FASB ASC 350 indefinite-lived intangible assets must be tested at least annually for impairment. However, many companies still struggle to comply with these requirements. To add to the complexity, the FASB and Private Company Council are currently in the process of revising the standards for recognition of intangible assets, which will impact valuation going forward. In this two-hour live webcast, a panel of thought leaders, practitioners, and valuation experts assembled by The Knowledge Group will provide insightful analysis and practical guidance on preserving assets and will help design a roadmap on how to effectively avoid common pitfalls in valuing your intangible assets.

About The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series

The Knowledge Group was established with the mission to produce unbiased, objective, and educational live webinars that examine industry trends and regulatory changes from a variety of different perspectives. The goal is to deliver a unique multilevel analysis of an important issue affecting business in a highly focused format. To contact or register for an event, please visit:
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Thomas LaPointe, Jr., Executive Director
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