Optimize Performance for AJAX Developers

JoyiStar AJAX Webshop gives the chance to better experience RichWeb application development.

Chengdu, China, January 05, 2008 --(PR.com)-- In China where there are a number of outsourcing service companies that have become used to accepting everything from their buyers, there is a group of Web development professionals striving to incubate their own ideas. “Based on the survey, 85% of the developers are very interested in AJAX in China; they are also afraid of switching to it due to the difficulties. I think things should be better in IT-leading countries”, according to Mr. Zhang, CTO of JoyiStar Corporation specialized in AJAX development tool, “We have kept our eyes on Web development since 1999, when an idea of easy-to-use tool was formed”. In 2005, JoyiStar developed AJAX Webshop 1.0 Version but it was not released publicly. “We were not totally satisfied with it but we were glad to see what had come out of our idea. We delivered it to the ISVs, system integrators and listened to their comments, then focused on research,” Mr. Zhang said. After one year, AJAX Webshop 2.0 Version was released publicly in February, 2006. “We made some waves.” Mr. Zhang laughed. Later, JoyiStar was invited to attend a software fair held in Shanghai, China; after they were back in their office located in Chengdu, the news that AJAX Webshop was awarded with 2006 “Chinese Gold Software” surprised this passionate team a little.

The fruits of their efforts has proven to be more. In the second half of 2006, they released AJAX Webshop 2.5, which was designed for small and medium-sized enterprises. “We have been the user of their product since 2.0.” said Mr. Chen, vice manager of a famous outsourcing ISV in Sichuan Province, China, “It is true their product have helped us to save the time.” The more exciting thing is that their latest work, AJAX Webshop 3.0, has been released on the 17th, Dec (Beijing time). Mr. Zhang forecasted: “Since it supports Java, PHP, C#, VB languages and features superior code editing environment, Visual drag-and-pull, great openness and extensibility, now is the time for us to be part of the force promoting AJAX in China, in cooperation with our 10 big distributors in major cities. Of course, we are ready to tap overseas markets.” The show curtain has risen.

JoyiStar is a next-generation and AJAX development platform provider that was formally founded in 2006. They have developed leading edge products by incorporating the system model theory into technologies of middleware, IDE, component-oriented, work flow. They make developing powerful and easy-to-use applications time- and cost-saving. Based on new concepts their TOMOS ( Tomorrow Online Service ) plan is to establish future network applications.

JoyiStar Corporation