Get Into an Ivy League School

From one of the country’s leading experts in college admissions and a nationally recognized parenting guru—high school seniors have an intensive four day opportunity to complete their college applications and receive exclusive personal advising.

Cambridge, MA, January 05, 2008 --( Getting into college is arguably one of the most stressful processes a teenager or parent can go through. And with more and more teenagers applying to college today than ever before, the competition is stiffer, and the stress can become unbearable. No one wants their kids to burn out and hit bottom all in the name of “getting in.” In that spirit, top college consultant Michele Hernandez and her coauthor of Don't Worry, You'll Get In (Avalon) Mimi Doe, are once again offering seniors an intensive, four day, summer Application Boot Camp™ to move them through the process with ease and less stress. Application Boot Camp™ will allow students to:

• Work one-on-one and in small groups to complete the common application months before their friends have even begun.
• Prepare essays that can be used for specific colleges of their choice.
• Develop an application strategy to increase college acceptance possibilities.
• Receive one-on-one advice on odds at top colleges.
• Complete an Activity Sheet summing up high school awards, activities, and achievements.
• Take part in mock interviews and interview training.

All of this and more in the most intensive camp in the nation with America's premier college consultant, Michele Hernandez, author of A is For Admission and former Assistant Director of Admissions at Dartmouth College and Mimi Doe, called a “parenting guru” by Ladies Home Journal and author of Busy but Balanced and Nurturing Your Teenager’s Soul who holds a master’s degree in education from Harvard.

There are two sessions of Application Boot Camp, August 7-10 in Cambridge, MA at The Charles Hotel and New York City on August 14-17 at the Kitano Hotel.

Application Boot Camps fill up in a matter of weeks as fewer than 25 students per camp are accepted. Hernandez has recently been featured in Business Week, The New York Times, NPR and appeared on The Today Show with Meredith Viera. Doe has appeared on Oprah and Good Morning America.

Samples of college acceptances from the last three years include:

Yale, Dartmouth, Amherst, Harvard, Stanford, U Penn, Univ of Michigan Honors, Georgetown, Univ of Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, Duke, Barnard, Colgate, Vassar, Wesleyan, Washington Univ., NYU, Northwestern School of Communications, Vanderbilt, Skidmore, Trinity

Sample comments from last year’s attendees and parents:

"Application Boot Camp helped to eliminate so much stress and worry that comes along with the college process. Mimi and Michelle helped me polish my achievements and prepare a stellar application to accentuate my high school achievements. My friends at school didn't even begin the process until late fall. This advantage allowed me to concentrate on my studies for important first term grades. By mid-December I was in to my first choice school, something I never thought would happen!"
--Laura B., Dartmouth, 2011

"Michele and Mimi bring expertise and guidance to the application process which is truly invaluable. No book or website (we have seen them all) can match the discipline and results of the Boot Camp. It delivers what it promises-a very tough and demanding several days, resulting in your child's completion of his application in his own unique and very compelling voice. The end result for us was an early admissions decision at the Ivy League school of our son's dreams. My two younger children will be first in-line to sign-up when it is their turn to attend the camp."
--Mike M., Father, 2006

Application Boot Camp
Mimi Doe