The Lightning Spirits, a Book by Craig E. Kodros

The Lightning Spirits by Craig E. Kodros has been published and is now available by most online book sellers. The book reveals the ancient knowledge hidden in the mythology and ceremonial practices of shamanism.

The Lightning Spirits, a Book by Craig E. Kodros
Sebastopol, CA, January 07, 2008 --( The Lightning Spirits by Craig Kodros is a must-read for anyone with an affinity for shamanism, near-death experience, and indigenous traditions. The author's writing style is light enough to make it an enjoyable read, while engrossing and probing enough to make the reader not want to put it down. The book details ancient knowledge and practices revealed to the author in his explorations of central Mexico. What begins as an anthropological study is transformed by a strange coincidence into a mystical journey of life and death. Based on a true first-hand account, The Lightning Spirits will take the reader into a lost world where myth and reality meet. A journey back in time. Beginning in the microcosm of a small traditional village, this book offers a rare in-depth view of a practicing shaman healer and provides unique insights into the near-death experience. Transcending borders, The Lightning Spirits then journeys into the deep antiquity and global significance of shaman healers worldwide. Much of the information in this book is endangered and of historical significance.

The Lightning Spirits
Craig E. Kodros