World Debut of Mexican Love Song Video

Indianapolis, IN, January 08, 2008 --( The World of Words by Elias Tobias produced its fifth promotional video, its longest production, to illustrate the poem, Mexican Love Song.

Latins are supposed to be great lovers, and the character in this poem has an easy time remembering the names of all his women. The poet narrates the poem with the poem and illustration as a slide. To see the poem go to

Free autographed hand-written copy of your favorite poem.

The World of Worlds by Elias Tobias has an offer that may be just as good as cash.

Do you have a favorite poem among the 140 or so poems written by Elias Tobias posted on this Web blog? The first 10 readers who send an e-mail to saying they want a hand-written copy of their favorite poem from Elias Tobias will get that document along with a personal greeting.

But wait. There’s more. Along with each scribed poem, the reader will receive a free autographed photo of Elias Tobias. The poem will be scanned as a PDF document and the photo sent electronically through e-mail. This a limited-time offer.

Readers are invited to go through the Web blog at, and pick their favorite Elias Tobias poem. The hand-written copy is a free present to the first 10 people who respond. Please choose only one poem per request. As the poems are read, feel free to make any comments by sending an e-mail to the Webmaster at the end of each post.

Elias Tobias
Michael Hall