Closer Cooperation Between ProSign and SE-TEC
As part of the PACcubes project, the companies ProSign GmbH and SE-TEC, both situated in Magdeburg, Germany, now work together more closely. The common project PACcubes series is a system solution for automation and monitoring. It is financed and sold by both companies.
Magdeburg, Germany, April 29, 2016 --( As part of the PACcubes project, the companies ProSign GmbH and SE-TEC, both situated in Magdeburg, Germany, now work together more closely. The common project PACcubes series is a system solution for automation and monitoring. It is financed and sold by both companies.
The development of the soft and hardware of the PACcubes series is done by the company ProSign, which was founded in 1997. The graphical programming system PACstudio is the specialty of the PACcubes series. To program the controller, no programming language has to be learned, because the application is created by connecting technical signs and symbols into a block diagram. ProSign is already bringing a lot of experience in the areas software engineering and automation systems.
Production, logistics and series testing of the PACcubes series is managed by SE-TEC GmbH. SE-TEC has had long-time experience about manufacturing different types of printed circuit boards. A constantly high quality during manufacturing and testing of the components is ensured f. e. by modern systems with image recognition and analytics software. That results in a minimum error rate.
A cooperation between companies, which are situated in the same area has the advantage of personal communication. Misunderstandings can be resolved quicker or not even emerge. “Even with today’s IT infrastructure, the development of interdisciplinary system solutions can only be accomplished having immediate involvement and on-site communication between the project partners,” emphasized Steffen Mertens, general manager of ProSign GmbH.
The development of the soft and hardware of the PACcubes series is done by the company ProSign, which was founded in 1997. The graphical programming system PACstudio is the specialty of the PACcubes series. To program the controller, no programming language has to be learned, because the application is created by connecting technical signs and symbols into a block diagram. ProSign is already bringing a lot of experience in the areas software engineering and automation systems.
Production, logistics and series testing of the PACcubes series is managed by SE-TEC GmbH. SE-TEC has had long-time experience about manufacturing different types of printed circuit boards. A constantly high quality during manufacturing and testing of the components is ensured f. e. by modern systems with image recognition and analytics software. That results in a minimum error rate.
A cooperation between companies, which are situated in the same area has the advantage of personal communication. Misunderstandings can be resolved quicker or not even emerge. “Even with today’s IT infrastructure, the development of interdisciplinary system solutions can only be accomplished having immediate involvement and on-site communication between the project partners,” emphasized Steffen Mertens, general manager of ProSign GmbH.
ProSign GmbH
Katja Lehmann
+49 (0)391 56306890
Katja Lehmann
+49 (0)391 56306890
