RankAngel - Free Page Ranking Analysis Service Announced - Available on the Web at www.rankangel.com

RankAngel is a new free online service that helps website owners understand where their website features in the search results delivered by popular search engines in response to specific keywords. This allows them to monitor their rankings quickly and easily - as well as perform comparisons between different search engines.

Sydney, Australia, January 09, 2008 --(PR.com)-- RankAngel is a new online service that helps website owners understand where their website features in the search results delivered by popular search engines in response to specific keywords. This allows them to monitor their rankings quickly and easily - as well as perform comparisons between different search engines. According to the company, upcoming features of the product will allow customers to create 'projects' that will provide long running tracking and reporting of search rankings for specific sets of keywords.

RankAngel is not an SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) service. What RankAngel does for its customers is to help them understand if their SEO investments (in either time, money or both) are having the desired impact. As a web based service, RankAngel does away with the need for traditional 'thick client' installation on a machine that has to be owned, managed and supported. Instead, it is available from anywhere there is a browser and an Internet connection.

RankAngel is advertising supported making it a free service to the end user.
It is available at http://www.rankangel.com.

Brian Davis