Mold Remediation Team in Los Angeles, CA, Works with Online Marketing Pros to Boost Web Presence

Through a new partnership with the online marketing specialists at Prospect Genius, local company Common Sense Inspections Inc. is taking steps to improve its website’s visibility and accessibility to local residents.

Los Angeles, CA, May 22, 2016 --( For home- and business owners in and around Los Angeles who need mold and air quality services, help is on the way. Through a new partnership with the online marketing specialists at Prospect Genius, local company Common Sense Inspections Inc. is taking steps to improve its website’s visibility and accessibility to local residents. By better advertising its mold inspection, mold remediation, and air filtration services online, Common Sense Inspections Inc. hopes to bring in new customers who want to make their living and working spaces healthier, safer, and more pleasant.

SCORE, a business development group, found that 95% of Americans turn to the Internet to research consumer goods and services. That’s why it’s so vital to have a high-performing website as part of an overall business marketing plan. Prospect Genius will be helping Common Sense Inspections Inc. perform better on relevant search engine results pages, so it’s easier and faster for people to connect with the company when they’re seeking the services it provides. Web prominence can be key to success in today’s digital climate.

Using proven Internet marketing techniques such as search engine optimization (SEO), Prospect Genius will strive to push Common Sense Inspections Inc. closer to the top of the results pages for search engine queries using terms like “mold remediation” and “indoor air quality testing.” Customers who visit Google, Bing, and other search engines in need of mold inspection, air filtration, and related services in Los Angeles should now be more likely to encounter Common Sense Inspections Inc.

“Common Sense Inspections Inc. is already ahead of many small businesses in its industry and area thanks to its informative business website,” states Matt Gallo, a senior Internet marketing specialist with Prospect Genius. “Our goal is to take that site to the next level, using tried-and-true tactics to ensure the business can reach local home- and business owners when they most need help.”

Common Sense Inspections Inc. offers mold inspection, mold remediation, air filtration installation, and air quality testing throughout Los Angeles. The business is fully licensed and insured, and holds a variety of industry qualifications including being a Council-certified Indoor Environmental Consultant.
Common Sense Inspections Inc.
Samuel Dixon
(323) 412-9525