County Treasurer, Bob Robinson, Issues $5.6 Million in Tax Payments to Local Governments

Charlotte, MI, June 30, 2016 --( Eaton County Treasurer, Bob Robinson, announced the completion of tax settlement between local units and the county treasurer’s office on Monday, June 10. The resulting 2016 payments to local governments, school districts, and special assessment districts for delinquent real property taxes totaled more than $5.6 million.

State law requires local villages, cities, and townships to collect “current” property taxes until March 1 the year after they are due. After March 1 taxes still owed from the previous year are officially delinquent and the county treasurer must “purchase” them from local governments by paying the amount owed. This allows local taxing units such as schools, cities, villages, libraries, and EATRAN to continue operating unimpeded by delinquent tax debt. The ongoing collection of delinquent taxes then becomes the responsibility of the county treasurer. Funding the large payment is done through the management of the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund (DTRF), established by the Eaton County Board of Commissioners and administered by the treasurer. Local taxing units get property tax revenues now rather than waiting until the delinquent taxes are paid, which can take months or in some cases even years. If taxpayers are unable to pay, their property by law is eventually subject to tax foreclosure.

“Five point six million is about the same number that was returned last year,” said County Treasurer, Bob Robinson. “More important, property forfeitures have reduced from 611 in 2015 to 436 in 2016. Things are moving in a positive direction. As always, we will continue working hard to help folks get caught up on property taxes and avoid foreclosure,” said Bob.
Eaton County Treasurer
Bob Robinson