Tim Friel Offers Survey Advice as a Speaker at Hartford FICP Meeting

NJ B2B Marketing Firm, Essential Resources LLC, Successful Survey & Market Research Presentation at Financial & Insurance Event.

Morristown, NJ, January 17, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Last week the Northeast Chapter Meeting of the Financial & Insurance Conference Planners hosted its regional meeting in Hartford, CT featuring a presentation on Effective Surveys by Tim Friel of event & meeting research company, Essential Resources, LLC.

Mr. Friel revealed the top 10 steps in preparing for a successful survey, culled from over 20 years experience in designing, executing and implementing B2B surveys for a variety of industries. "As more organizations adapt feedback management," observed company principal Tim Friel, an industry leader in event research, "they will seek resources to help them maximize their investment in producing quality written surveys, executed efficiently while understanding their customer's privacy and time concerns."

"I was honored to have the chance to speak in front of such a receptive audience about executing properly professional surveys for executives," said Friel. "Too often I see companies throw surveys together via a web survey product hosted by others, getting useless results back."

To obtain a free copy of this one page tip sheet email or call them at 888-326-7250.

Essential Resources LLC is a leading provider of B2B services such as customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, custom training evalutions for companies such as Siemens, Klockner Pentaplast and Honeywell. For close to 20 years, the firm has assisted both domestic and international clients achieve significant and actionable results via performance metrics, robust reporting and qualitative interviews. Essential Resources provides online hosting of all of its online surveys, has an in-house team of experienced management professsionals designing surveys and completing detailed reporting.

Essential Resources LLC
Lucy Mundo