Innovation Discovery Launches the First World-Wide Database of Innovations

Innovation Discovery brings the future into our homes now. An internet platform collecting all the innovations around the world focused on the benefits. A way to evaluate the best solutions to save money/time, reduce consumption, improve sustainability and improve performances in our daily life.

San Diego, CA, July 27, 2016 --( Innovation Discovery is developing the first world-wide database of innovations and has launched on the web the core to collect innovations. The futuristic platform will be designed to foster awareness and adoption of product innovations and new technologies. It is a unique solution to fill the gaps between the existing innovations and the innovations we use.

The aim is to connect worldwide potential customers to innovations and technologies and make them more diffused and successful. When you join "Innovation Discovery," you gain access to innovations, technologies, innovative talents, dealers, installers, consultants, joint venture partners, updates, and insights that help you to live in the future now.

The platform in development will be connections between innovations, and companies providing innovative products. It will be split in two parts:

A front-end, consumer oriented, presented as a Wikipedia style, organised in categories with the innovations details and the benefits of their adoption.

A back-end, business oriented, presented in a LinkedIn style, to establish networking between innovations, companies, dealers/installers, and professionals/consultants.

Carlo Rivis, CEO and founder of Innovation Discovery has more than 15 years of experience in Technology and Innovations and has founded different companies in Italy (EU) and U.S. traveling and working half western world noticing how people do not buy the best choice, but the improved version of something they already know. It does not matter if they can save money; most of the time they do not trust the seller or are too frightened to risk a change, so they buy the thing they are already familiar with.

For years he has thought about this discrepancy: many new innovations that help in reducing costs and improving the quality of life exist, so why people do not use them? At the end he found the answer: because of missing knowledge, fear of risk, and sticking to habits. He hopes the platform will empower users to save money/time, reduce consumption, improve sustainability and improve performances; for a better quality of life for everybody.

About Innovation Discovery
Innovation Discovery was born at the beginning of 2016 and started hitting the market few months later with its online core at Its vision is to promote the diffusion of the innovations in the world to improve the quality of life of the entire humanity.
Innovation Discovery
Carlo Rivis
858 281 3412