Launches Hospital and Doctor Search in India, an online health portal, focused on providing relevant medical information to users, has launched its medical directory with a listing of over 10000 hospitals/clinics and over 25000 doctors in India. Users can search a doctor by city name, doctor’s name and optionally on specialty. Hospitals and clinics can also be searched in cities all over India.
Delhi, India, January 18, 2008 --(, an online health portal, focused on providing relevant medical information to users, has launched its medical directory with a listing of over 10000 hospitals/clinics and over 25000 doctors in India. The site allows searching a doctor by city name, doctor’s name and optionally on speciality. Hospitals and clinics can also be searched in cities all over India.
While most competitors have targeted only a few cities, has data covering all the Indian cities. This database is getting better by the day as more and more doctors and organisations are listing with them continuously. meraMD already has the widest information on online hospitals compared to all other medical sites.
The unique feature of meraMD doctor search is that users can also see the link between the doctor and his place of practice. This helps the users to relate between the two entities -- doctors and hospitals -- which was not possible until now.
MeraMD had earlier launched its search for diseases and conditions. This health search helps you save time by providing you search results only from verified and reliable health sites. The unique feature at is that it is a human powered search, which means that the site provides medical search results only from those websites that are first scanned by humans and verified that they are reliable and can be trusted. This helps users in saving time and avoiding spam medical sites that have mushroomed in the recent past.
meraMD = Mera + MD. Mera is the Hindi (Indian National Language) word for "My"/"Mine" and MD is the abbreviation for "Medicinae Doctor" or simply "Doctor of Medicine". is a health portal providing customised search for medical diseases and conditions from the most trusted and reliable resources on the Internet. Additionally users can search for doctors, hospitals in their local area. provides all this information for information purposes only and it is free for people searching for this information.
For more information, please visit
While most competitors have targeted only a few cities, has data covering all the Indian cities. This database is getting better by the day as more and more doctors and organisations are listing with them continuously. meraMD already has the widest information on online hospitals compared to all other medical sites.
The unique feature of meraMD doctor search is that users can also see the link between the doctor and his place of practice. This helps the users to relate between the two entities -- doctors and hospitals -- which was not possible until now.
MeraMD had earlier launched its search for diseases and conditions. This health search helps you save time by providing you search results only from verified and reliable health sites. The unique feature at is that it is a human powered search, which means that the site provides medical search results only from those websites that are first scanned by humans and verified that they are reliable and can be trusted. This helps users in saving time and avoiding spam medical sites that have mushroomed in the recent past.
meraMD = Mera + MD. Mera is the Hindi (Indian National Language) word for "My"/"Mine" and MD is the abbreviation for "Medicinae Doctor" or simply "Doctor of Medicine". is a health portal providing customised search for medical diseases and conditions from the most trusted and reliable resources on the Internet. Additionally users can search for doctors, hospitals in their local area. provides all this information for information purposes only and it is free for people searching for this information.
For more information, please visit
Karan Agrawal
Karan Agrawal