Global Greentech Online Investor Conference; Update of Industry Presenters

Analysts, Public Companies, Fund Managers, Venture Capital, Industry Experts, Government Provide Insight into Global Green Investing Trends and Opportunities in Solar, Wind, Biofuel, Green Transportation and Water.

Point Roberts, WA, January 20, 2008 --(, and its global investor and industry Greentech portals update the growing list of industry speakers for the Global Greentech Online Investor Conference, March 21, 2008. The conference theme is: “Insight into Global Green Investing Trends and Opportunities in Solar, Wind, Biofuel, Green Transportation and Water.”

Investors will have the opportunity to hear audio presentations from Analysts, Public Companies, Fund Managers, Venture Capital, Industry Experts and Government Leaders.

The in-depth online conference will be available March 21st, 2008, starting at 9:00 am EDT and archived thereafter for a minimum of three months.

The online conference will include presentations from renewable, environmental, water, clean energy and technology experts providing in-depth perspectives on what is happening in the Greentech sector from some of the most respected industry sources.

The conference format will consist of an audio presentation (average 15 minutes) with images in a slideshow presentation, in flash format.

The conference is free to online visitors with login registration at the website.
For companies wanting to participate, visit the website

Presenting public companies include:
Clear Skies
XsunX, Inc.

Current greentech industry speakers include:
Neil D. Berlant
Fund Manager of the PFW Water Fund

Neal M Dikeman
Jane Capital Partners LLC

Peter C. Fusaro
Chairman, Global Change Associates

J. Peter Lynch
Solar Expert

Matthew Sant (Partner, Irell & Manella LLP)
Legal and Intellectual Property Issues Related to "Green" Technologies

Robert Wilder, J.D., Ph.D.
WilderHill Clean Energy Index

Jamie Wimberly, CEO
Distributed Energy Financial Group (DEFG)

About the Green Investor Portals: has a series of four investor and industry research portals in the renewable energy, water, environment and fuel cells. was one of the first online investor sites to cover water and renewable energy. The portals feature industry and stock news, articles, leading experts and financial columnists, audio interviews and Podcasts with leaders and innovators in Greentech, investor conferences, blogs, and a comprehensive global directory of publicly traded stocks.

About is a leading global investor and industry research resource portal specialized in sector investing covering over thirty industry sectors and global markets including China, India, the Middle East and Australia.


For more information contact:

Dawn Van Zant 800.665.0411

Dawn Van Zant