Tampa Bay Realtor® Opens Novel Charity Fundraising Firm

Tampa Bay area Realtor Scott H. Lewis says that his new company, Affinity House, has assembled all the elements needed to generate thousands of dollars for area nonprofits except one – he needs to find charities willing to accept the money.

Tampa, FL, September 10, 2016 --(PR.com)-- A Tampa Bay area Realtor has launched a novel new business that he says could raise millions for Florida charities, and at no cost to the charities.

Scott H. Lewis says that his new company, Affinity House, has assembled all the elements needed to generate thousands of dollars for area nonprofits except one – he needs to find charities willing to accept the money.

Lewis said that the ideal charity has at least 5,000 active supporters and has been recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS. “If the group has members and donors who are passionate about the charity’s work, it’s a great fit for our program,” Lewis said. “Churches, schools, youth organizations, food banks – any organization that enjoys significant public support can benefit.”

The Affinity House fundraising program brings together nonprofit organizations and passionate donors together with participating Realtors® for an innovative program that Lewis says is aimed at “making communities safer, healthier and happier places.”

The Affinity House program matches charities’ supporters with real estate professionals who direct part of their commissions to the client’s preferred charity. The process is handled seamlessly at closing by an escrow agent, resulting in a tax-deductible charitable deduction for the agent’s client.

“This goes beyond the classic win-win to a three-way win,” he said. “The real estate agent gets a client, the charity gets needed support, and the client gets a tax deduction and feels great."

Charities and Realtors® can enroll in the program at no cost, Lewis said.

A charity with 5,000 active members can earn $125,000 or more every year, he said. “Better yet, it’s a renewable resources that repeats its success every year. Affinity House donations don’t impact other, existing development programs or fund drives. Suitable charities include any IRS 501c(3) exempt organization."

Full information is available at www.Affinity-House.com.
Affinity House, LLC
Scott Lewis
813 777 2500