RUPA Conducted 31st Annual General Meeting (AGM) at ICCR
The 31st Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Members of Rupa & Company Ltd took place at the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR).
Kolkata, India, September 15, 2016 --( The 31st Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Members of Rupa & Company Ltd took place at the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), 9A, Ho Chi Minh Sarani, Kolkata - 700 071. The meeting, chaired by Mr. Prahlad Rai Agarwala – Chairman of Rupa & Company Ltd, witnessed the presence of 348 Members (both in person or proxy).
Opening with the Chairman’s speech, the meeting drew reference to the Company’s financial results and adopted the following:
a) The Standalone Financial Statement of the Company for the year ended March 31, 2016, and the Report of the Directors and the Auditor’s thereon;
b) The Consolidated Financial Statement of the Company for the year ended March 31, 2016, and the Report of the Auditor’s thereon.
The members also approved the Interim Dividend of Rs. 2.75 per Equity Share, paid during the Financial Year ended March 31, 2016; and re-appointed Mr. Ramesh Agarwal, who retires by rotation and, being eligible, offered himself for re-appointment.
In addition to this, the members ratified the appointment of M/s. S. R. Batliboi & Co. LLP, Chartered Accountants as the Statutory Auditors of the Company for the Financial Year 2016-17; appointed M/s. Singhi & Co., Chartered Accountants, as the Branch Auditors of Tirupur branch of the Company for the Financial Year 2016-17; appointed Mr. Arihant Kumar Baid as a Whole-time Director of the Company and authorised the Board for fixation of amount of fees to be charged for delivery of documents through a particular mode. The voting was done through remote e-voting and ballot voting process.
Mr. H. M. Choraria scrutinized the remote e-voting and ballot voting process and submitted the Scrutinizers Report stating that all the Resolutions, as contained in the Notice of AGM, were passed by the Members as Ordinary Resolution, and the results were submitted to the Stock Exchanges, Depositories and have been uploaded on the website of the Company.
About Rupa and Company Limited:
Rupa and Company Limited is one the largest knitwear brands in India engaged in the manufacturing, branding and marketing of innerwear and casual wear for men and women. The Company incorporated in 1985, had took over the business of Binod Hosiery established in 1968, and today it is one of the leading players in Indian Knitwear Industry and holds the "Limca Book of Records" for being the largest inner wear & casual wear manufacturing company in India for 11 consecutive years.
Among the prominent awards won by the Company are Worldwide Achievers Business Leadership Award (2013-14), Time Research Business Leadership Awards for Branch Excellence in Innerwear (2013), and Global awards for Brand Excellence by World Brand Congress during the year 2010. Recently, the Company has been selected as the Best Corporate Brand 2016 by The Economic Times of India.
Rupa Corporate:
Contact info:
Rimmy Sett Banerjee
Rupa & Company Limited
1, Ho Chi Minh Sarani, Metro Tower, Kolkata - 700071
Tel: +91 33 3057 3100 / 3186 | Email:
Opening with the Chairman’s speech, the meeting drew reference to the Company’s financial results and adopted the following:
a) The Standalone Financial Statement of the Company for the year ended March 31, 2016, and the Report of the Directors and the Auditor’s thereon;
b) The Consolidated Financial Statement of the Company for the year ended March 31, 2016, and the Report of the Auditor’s thereon.
The members also approved the Interim Dividend of Rs. 2.75 per Equity Share, paid during the Financial Year ended March 31, 2016; and re-appointed Mr. Ramesh Agarwal, who retires by rotation and, being eligible, offered himself for re-appointment.
In addition to this, the members ratified the appointment of M/s. S. R. Batliboi & Co. LLP, Chartered Accountants as the Statutory Auditors of the Company for the Financial Year 2016-17; appointed M/s. Singhi & Co., Chartered Accountants, as the Branch Auditors of Tirupur branch of the Company for the Financial Year 2016-17; appointed Mr. Arihant Kumar Baid as a Whole-time Director of the Company and authorised the Board for fixation of amount of fees to be charged for delivery of documents through a particular mode. The voting was done through remote e-voting and ballot voting process.
Mr. H. M. Choraria scrutinized the remote e-voting and ballot voting process and submitted the Scrutinizers Report stating that all the Resolutions, as contained in the Notice of AGM, were passed by the Members as Ordinary Resolution, and the results were submitted to the Stock Exchanges, Depositories and have been uploaded on the website of the Company.
About Rupa and Company Limited:
Rupa and Company Limited is one the largest knitwear brands in India engaged in the manufacturing, branding and marketing of innerwear and casual wear for men and women. The Company incorporated in 1985, had took over the business of Binod Hosiery established in 1968, and today it is one of the leading players in Indian Knitwear Industry and holds the "Limca Book of Records" for being the largest inner wear & casual wear manufacturing company in India for 11 consecutive years.
Among the prominent awards won by the Company are Worldwide Achievers Business Leadership Award (2013-14), Time Research Business Leadership Awards for Branch Excellence in Innerwear (2013), and Global awards for Brand Excellence by World Brand Congress during the year 2010. Recently, the Company has been selected as the Best Corporate Brand 2016 by The Economic Times of India.
Rupa Corporate:
Contact info:
Rimmy Sett Banerjee
Rupa & Company Limited
1, Ho Chi Minh Sarani, Metro Tower, Kolkata - 700071
Tel: +91 33 3057 3100 / 3186 | Email:
Rupa and Company Limited
Rimmy Sett Banerjee
91 33 3057 3100
1, Ho Chi Minh Sarani, Metro Tower, Kolkata - 700071
Rimmy Sett Banerjee
91 33 3057 3100
1, Ho Chi Minh Sarani, Metro Tower, Kolkata - 700071
