Intelligence Community to Convene for GEOINT and Open Source Analytics Dialogue
On Oct 25 - 26, 2016, senior leaders within DoD, the IC, Federal Agencies and Industry and academia will convene in Alexandria, VA, for two days of off the record briefings and informal discussions at Defense Strategies Institute’s "Town Hall" GEOINT & Open Source Analytics Summit. The dialogue will focus on technological solutions and best practices that enhance the Intelligence Community’s ability to process, exploit, and disseminate open source data.
Washington, DC, September 15, 2016 --( Across the DoD and Federal Agencies there is an increased focus on the growing mission needs to incorporate openly available information into traditional GEOINT and Multi-INT analysis workflows and processes. Technical challenges associated with real-time ingest, correlation, enrichment, security and use of open sources, the growing role of automation in GEOINT and open source analysis, how an “Analysis as a Service” business model would support government analysts, and the role of big data and deep learning solutions towards anticipatory intelligence are all complex topics that will be discussed in detail throughout the Summit.
“We have created a Summit that will bring together a variety of stakeholders in order to build out two days of dialogue and debates that tackle many of the areas involved in enhancing effective and efficient GEOINT and open source analytics capabilities amongst the DoD and Federal communities,” stated Monica Mckenzie, Senior Partner, Defense Strategies Institute.
DSI’s upcoming Summit recognizes that in a field such as intelligence, where there are multiple offices, departments and industry supporters acting in tandem, it is extremely important that all involved are working towards a cohesive and holistic approach. To this end, the Summit will offer over 16 diverse senior leader speakers including:
MajGen Linda R. Urrutia-Varhall, USAF, Director of Operations, NGA
Mr. Harry Coker, Jr, Director, Open Source Enterprise
RADM Robert Sharp, USN, Commander, Office of Naval Intelligence*
Mr. Terry Mitchell, SES, Director of Plans and Integration, Army G2, USA
Brig Gen (sel) James Cluff, USAF, Vice Commander, 25th Air Force
Mr. Matt Schnaidt, Technical Director, Systems and Acquisition Support Directorate, US Army Geospatial Center
Mr. Chris Rasmussen, PM, Unclassified GEOINT Pathfinder & Public Open Source Software Development Lead, NGA
Dr. Benjamin Tuttle, Project Scientist NGA Research, and Lead for Outpost Valley, NGA
Mr. Sander Williams, Mission Manager, Open Content, NGA
Dr. David Alexander, Director, Geospatial Management Office, DHS
Ms. Carrie Stokes, Director, USAID GeoCenter and Geospatial Technical Advisor, USAID
Commercial Small Satellite panel with: Rob Zitz, Chair, USGIF Small Satellite Working Group; Robbie Schingler, CSO, Planet Labs ; Chris DeMay, COO, HawkEye 360
Topics will include:
1. Incorporating openly available information into traditional GEOINT and Multi-INT analysis workflows and processes
2. Technical challenges associated with real-time ingest, correlation, enrichment, security and use of open sources as either stand-alone architecture or as a fully integrated architecture
3. Options for multi-level-security (MLS), cross-domain security solutions for faster, more secure analysis
4. The growing role of automation in GEOINT and Open Sources analysis
5. How an “Analysis as a Service” business model would support government analysts
6. How big data and deep learning solutions can lead to anticipatory intelligence
7.How the commercial small satellite revolution supports the future GEOINT strategy
The Summit is closed to press and non-attribution and seating is limited. U.S., UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Canadian citizens are welcomed to attend and participate in the discussions. Details can be found at or by contacting Defense Strategies Institute at 917.435.1266
“We have created a Summit that will bring together a variety of stakeholders in order to build out two days of dialogue and debates that tackle many of the areas involved in enhancing effective and efficient GEOINT and open source analytics capabilities amongst the DoD and Federal communities,” stated Monica Mckenzie, Senior Partner, Defense Strategies Institute.
DSI’s upcoming Summit recognizes that in a field such as intelligence, where there are multiple offices, departments and industry supporters acting in tandem, it is extremely important that all involved are working towards a cohesive and holistic approach. To this end, the Summit will offer over 16 diverse senior leader speakers including:
MajGen Linda R. Urrutia-Varhall, USAF, Director of Operations, NGA
Mr. Harry Coker, Jr, Director, Open Source Enterprise
RADM Robert Sharp, USN, Commander, Office of Naval Intelligence*
Mr. Terry Mitchell, SES, Director of Plans and Integration, Army G2, USA
Brig Gen (sel) James Cluff, USAF, Vice Commander, 25th Air Force
Mr. Matt Schnaidt, Technical Director, Systems and Acquisition Support Directorate, US Army Geospatial Center
Mr. Chris Rasmussen, PM, Unclassified GEOINT Pathfinder & Public Open Source Software Development Lead, NGA
Dr. Benjamin Tuttle, Project Scientist NGA Research, and Lead for Outpost Valley, NGA
Mr. Sander Williams, Mission Manager, Open Content, NGA
Dr. David Alexander, Director, Geospatial Management Office, DHS
Ms. Carrie Stokes, Director, USAID GeoCenter and Geospatial Technical Advisor, USAID
Commercial Small Satellite panel with: Rob Zitz, Chair, USGIF Small Satellite Working Group; Robbie Schingler, CSO, Planet Labs ; Chris DeMay, COO, HawkEye 360
Topics will include:
1. Incorporating openly available information into traditional GEOINT and Multi-INT analysis workflows and processes
2. Technical challenges associated with real-time ingest, correlation, enrichment, security and use of open sources as either stand-alone architecture or as a fully integrated architecture
3. Options for multi-level-security (MLS), cross-domain security solutions for faster, more secure analysis
4. The growing role of automation in GEOINT and Open Sources analysis
5. How an “Analysis as a Service” business model would support government analysts
6. How big data and deep learning solutions can lead to anticipatory intelligence
7.How the commercial small satellite revolution supports the future GEOINT strategy
The Summit is closed to press and non-attribution and seating is limited. U.S., UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Canadian citizens are welcomed to attend and participate in the discussions. Details can be found at or by contacting Defense Strategies Institute at 917.435.1266
Defense Strategies Institute
Lisa Madison
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Lisa Madison
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