Forza NEC Program Updates with Lieutenant General Giorgio Battisti in Rome
Agenda released for Network Enabled Capability Technology 2017 featuring high level support from Italian Army.
London, United Kingdom, October 01, 2016 --( Over the last few years, several nations have been highly involved in researching, developing and implementing network enabled capabilities across their armed forces. Against this backdrop, SMi Group has launched its inaugural conference on Network Enabled Capability Technology, which takes place on the 1st and 2nd of February 2017, in Rome, Italy. The agenda, as well as registration, is now live on
The only meeting of its kind in the Europe, the conference will draw on the experience and ongoing work of senior military experts leading and developing their NEC capabilities.
With a dedicated focus on the Forza NEC programme, this conference will enable participants to help shape, develop and deliver digitization of information, equipment and maximize operational and common logistics platforms throughout the land domain.
Esteemed Lieutenant General Giorgio Battisti, Commander of the Italian Army Training and Doctrine Command, will be chairing the two-day event. Joining Lt Gen Battisti on the speaker panel are other senior Italian Army officers including:
General (Ret'd) Vincenzo Camporini, Vice President, Former Italian Chief of Defence General Staff, Istituto Affari Internazionali
Lieutenant General Paolo Ruggiero, Deputy Commander of the NATO Land Command, Italian Army
Major General Antonio Bettelli, Commander Italian Army Aviation, Italian Army
Dr Alessandro Ungaro, Research Fellow, Istituto Affari Internationali
The conference will also feature regional high-level military officers who will deliberate how various network enabled capability programmes can impact operational effectiveness and help optimise the future of tactical warfare. In addition, programme managers will also discuss requirements and updates for key programmes.
Brigadier General Christos, Athanasiadis, Assistant Chief of Staff for the JCyber Division, SHAPE NATO
Colonel Richard Wilgos, Director J6 - C4/Cyber, US EUCOM
Colonel Carl J Worthington, Commander 2nd Signal Brigade, US Army Europe
Dr John L Mahaffey, PhD, Senior Scientist, NATO Communications and Information Agency
Major Wouter Alexander Samson, Manouvre Centre of Knowledge, Department of Defence, Royal Dutch Army
Major Ola Petter Odden, Norwegian Army Comat Lab, Norwegian Army Land Warfare Centre, Norwegian Armed Forces
A detailed agenda including a full list of speakers and their respective topics can be viewed on the event website.
There is currently a £400 Early Registration Discount for bookings made by 31st October 2016. Visit for more details.
Network Enabled Capability Technology
1st – 2nd February 2017
Crowne Plaza, Rome – St Peter’s Hotel & Spa, Rome, Italy
Contact Information:
For details on tailored sponsorship and branding packages, delegate and group booking queries, kindly contact Drew Miller on: +44 (0) 207 827 6128 or e-mail For media enquiries contact Honey de Gracia on
About SMi Group:
Established since 1993, the SMi Group is a global event-production company that specializes in Business-to-Business Conferences, Workshops, Masterclasses and online Communities. We create and deliver events in the Defence, Security, Energy, Utilities, Finance and Pharmaceutical industries. We pride ourselves on having access to the world’s most forward thinking opinion leaders and visionaries, allowing us to bring our communities together to Learn, Engage, Share and Network. More information can be found at
The only meeting of its kind in the Europe, the conference will draw on the experience and ongoing work of senior military experts leading and developing their NEC capabilities.
With a dedicated focus on the Forza NEC programme, this conference will enable participants to help shape, develop and deliver digitization of information, equipment and maximize operational and common logistics platforms throughout the land domain.
Esteemed Lieutenant General Giorgio Battisti, Commander of the Italian Army Training and Doctrine Command, will be chairing the two-day event. Joining Lt Gen Battisti on the speaker panel are other senior Italian Army officers including:
General (Ret'd) Vincenzo Camporini, Vice President, Former Italian Chief of Defence General Staff, Istituto Affari Internazionali
Lieutenant General Paolo Ruggiero, Deputy Commander of the NATO Land Command, Italian Army
Major General Antonio Bettelli, Commander Italian Army Aviation, Italian Army
Dr Alessandro Ungaro, Research Fellow, Istituto Affari Internationali
The conference will also feature regional high-level military officers who will deliberate how various network enabled capability programmes can impact operational effectiveness and help optimise the future of tactical warfare. In addition, programme managers will also discuss requirements and updates for key programmes.
Brigadier General Christos, Athanasiadis, Assistant Chief of Staff for the JCyber Division, SHAPE NATO
Colonel Richard Wilgos, Director J6 - C4/Cyber, US EUCOM
Colonel Carl J Worthington, Commander 2nd Signal Brigade, US Army Europe
Dr John L Mahaffey, PhD, Senior Scientist, NATO Communications and Information Agency
Major Wouter Alexander Samson, Manouvre Centre of Knowledge, Department of Defence, Royal Dutch Army
Major Ola Petter Odden, Norwegian Army Comat Lab, Norwegian Army Land Warfare Centre, Norwegian Armed Forces
A detailed agenda including a full list of speakers and their respective topics can be viewed on the event website.
There is currently a £400 Early Registration Discount for bookings made by 31st October 2016. Visit for more details.
Network Enabled Capability Technology
1st – 2nd February 2017
Crowne Plaza, Rome – St Peter’s Hotel & Spa, Rome, Italy
Contact Information:
For details on tailored sponsorship and branding packages, delegate and group booking queries, kindly contact Drew Miller on: +44 (0) 207 827 6128 or e-mail For media enquiries contact Honey de Gracia on
About SMi Group:
Established since 1993, the SMi Group is a global event-production company that specializes in Business-to-Business Conferences, Workshops, Masterclasses and online Communities. We create and deliver events in the Defence, Security, Energy, Utilities, Finance and Pharmaceutical industries. We pride ourselves on having access to the world’s most forward thinking opinion leaders and visionaries, allowing us to bring our communities together to Learn, Engage, Share and Network. More information can be found at
SMi Group
Honey de Gracia
+44 (0) 20 7827 6102
Honey de Gracia
+44 (0) 20 7827 6102
