"Smart Sun Visor" Invention for the Self-Driving Vehicles
Smart Sun Visor invention is mainly targeted to be used in Autonomous Self-driving vehicles. The smart sun visor invention is a game changer and will transform the currently outdated sun visor into a multi-functional super-duper sun visor of the 21st century. The "Smart Sun Visor" in vehicles will have a touch screen device mounted/embedded on sun visor and will have the ability to display different camera views such as "See me" or Selfie view, "Polarized Front View," "Rear Passengers" view, etc

Here is a short YouTube video explaining this invention - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xn1zM_PLa0
Autonomous self-driving vehicles are right around the corner with companies like Google, Tesla, Mercedes, Uber, etc. aggressively working on such vehicles, and Be Topnotch, LLC's "Smart Sun Visor" invention is very well positioned to be used in such self-driving vehicles as well as the traditional vehicles. There will be a "See me" or Selfie view on the smart sun visor, which will allow the users to see themselves on a digital screen and would provide the users the ability to take their photos and/or videos and also share those with others on social networking sites, etc. There will also be a "Polarized front view," which will show the external view which is normally blocked by the deployed sun visor, allowing the user to finally view the traffic lights, road signs, etc. without having to look from the side of the sun visor to check if the light has turned green, etc. In addition, there will also be a "Rear Passengers" view, which will allow the users to view the passengers sitting in the rear seat of the vehicle on the digital screen of the smart sun visor without having to turn back again and again.
A user of the "Smart Sun Visor" will also have the ability to take photos and/or videos of any camera views available on the smart sun visor. They will also be able to view those captured photos/videos later on sun visor's display screen as well as transmit those photos/videos wirelessly to other electronic devices, cloud storage, social networking sites, etc. Undoubtedly, this invention is a game changer and will have a huge potential for use in almost every new vehicle in near future.
Here are some of the key highlights of the Smart Sun Visor invention:
Multiple problems solved - With this invention, a number of common problems faced by vehicle users have been effectively resolved.
Solid patent claims - For the Smart sun visor invention, US Patent approval received for 4 Independent claims and a total of 28 claims.
To be used in Self-driving vehicles - This new invention is targeted to be used mainly in self-driving vehicles as well as it can also be used in any of the traditional vehicles.
International protection - In addition to US patent, Be Topnotch, LLC also has an on-going 'international" patent application, making it possible to seek this invention in 150+ other countries.
Multiple other related patent applications - The story doesn't end here, because Be Topnotch, LLC has also filed additional continuation-in-part applications for patents related to this smart sun visor invention with the clear intent to bring tons of new features on the outdated sun visors and continue to maintain its leadership position for this invention.
Unique and game changer - Be Topnotch's "Smart Sun Visor" invention is the first of its kind in the industry and is positioned very well to be a game changer nationally and internationally.
The currently granted patent as well as any continuation-in-part applications for patents and International PCT are all owned by "Be Topnotch, LLC," wherein Be Topnotch, LLC will be soon making them available for licensing mainly to the self-driving vehicle manufacturers as well as the traditional vehicle/automobile manufacturers. It won't be surprising if the self-driving vehicle companies such as Google, Tesla, Mercedes, Uber, etc. will be rushing to license this unique "Smart Sun Visor" invention for the self-driving vehicles from Be Topnotch, LLC.
Be Topnotch, LLC (http://www.betopnotch.com) plans to bring out a number of new inventions that make a difference in people's lives. At Be Topnotch, LLC the mission is to achieve the following three things with each and every approval of their new patents for inventions:
- People should say: "It's an awesome invention!"
- Be Topnotch, LLC's team will be proud and say - "Yes, we did it!"
- Other companies, especially the Silicon Valley companies will ask - "Why didn't we think of this invention earlier?"
Hemanki Doshi

Smart Sun Visor invention for Self driving vehicles
The "Smart Sun Visor" in vehicles will have a touch screen device mounted or embedded on the sun visor and will have the ability to display different camera views such as "See me" or Selfie view, "Polarized Front View," "Rear Passengers" view, etc. on the screen of the smart sun visor.

"See Me" or Selfie View available on Smart Sun Visor Invention
"See me" or Selfie view on Smart Sun Visor will allow the users to see themselves on a digital screen on the smart sun visor and would provide the users the ability to take their photos and/or videos and also share those with others on social networking sites, etc.

"Polarized Front View" available on Smart Sun Visor Invention
"Polarized front view" on smart sun visor will show the external view which is normally blocked by the deployed sun visor, allowing the user to finally view the traffic lights, road signs, etc. without having to look from side of sun visor to check if the light has turned green, etc.

"Rear Passengers View" available on Smart Sun Visor Invention
"Rear Passengers" view will allow the users to view the passengers sitting in the rear seat of the vehicle on the digital screen of the smart sun visor without having to turn back again and again in order to converse/talk to them.

Multiple "Rear Passengers Rows" visible on Smart Sun Visor Invention
Multiple "Rear Passengers Rows" are visible on Smart Sun Visor Invention. This view will allow the users to view the passengers sitting in the rear seat of the vehicle on the digital screen of the smart sun visor without having to turn back again and again in order to converse/talk to them.

Heads-up Display can have integration with Smart Sun Visor
Heads-up Display can have integration with Smart Sun visor, wherein the camera view displayed on the smart sun visor can also be displayed on the heads-up display of the vehicle.

Adjust camera view and save settings for future in Smart Sun Visor
Users can adjust camera view as per their needs and save settings for future in the Smart Sun Visor invention. Also, users can take and share their photos/videos with others on social media sites, etc.

Drawings of Smart Sun Visor invention for Self driving vehicles
Patent drawings of the Smart Sun Visor invention to be used in Self driving vehicles.