Provides Banks Phishing Alerts with Help from FraudWatch International

Banking news website is pleased to announce its formal partnership with Anti-Phishing Solution leader FraudWatch International (

Atlanta, GA, January 24, 2008 --( FraudWatch International, an Anti-Phishing Specialist Company, dedicates itself to protecting both the consumer and business against Internet Fraud. Bankwide provides alerts and news headlines and articles to the banking community.

Aiden Michaels, webmaster of Bankwide stated, “It is an exciting opportunity to provide phishing alerts to bank management almost instantaneously via RSS. The faster banks are alerted to a potential attack, the sooner they can begin using services like Fraud Watch’s “Phishing Site Take Down”, better protecting consumer data. In our 2007 State of Security report, last year was abysmal at protecting customers. With partnerships between security providers and bankers, we hope to tighten the reins so to speak.”

Trent Youl, CEO of FraudWatch International stated, "It is imperative for all banks to be aware of phishing. It is best practice to expect their institution will be targeted." A partnership with Bankwide is another example of FraudWatch's dedication to fight phishing, with awareness campaigns. "It is our hope that through this exciting partnership, we will bring phishing awareness to more Bankers."

Bankwide has established as a direct forwarder to Fraud Watch International’s database, so that customers can forward suspicious emails directly to FWI for review. Providing phishing alerts is only the first step of website protection to be offered to banks in the coming year.

“Many exciting changes are coming to banking in the year ahead and Bankwide and Fraud Watch International are proud to be visionaries in the future of banking”, said Michaels.

Aiden Michaels