Washington D.C. Professional Organizer Chosen for Fine Living Network’s New Series: Time Makeover

Washington D.C. Professional Organizer, Scott Roewer, is Chosen to work with two families for Fine Living Network’s New Series: Time Makeover airing January 26, 2008 and February 2, 2008.

Washington, DC, January 25, 2008 --(PR.com)-- In less than a month, we will watch February grow an extra day, something we see only once every four years. Yes, it’s leap year. While those born on this day will celebrate birthdays that come every four years, the rest of us are left to ponder what will we do with this 24-hour bonus? Will we catch up on some much needed rest? Most of us are too busy to waste our extra day sleeping.

The world seems to be moving faster every day and for busy families with children, that often means running from soccer practice to piano recitals, managing carpool duty, and multi-tasking while driving. And then there is the time we whittle away searching for those long-lost car keys and hunting down that little post-it note buried at the bottom of a pile. Americans lose between two and five hours a day because of the disorganization of their lives, to tasks like fighting the paper stack, writing endless e-mails and tackling to-do lists that overwhelm already exhausted families.

Washington DC’s top professional organizer is here to help and has been chosen for Time Makeover, a new show airing on the Fine Living Network. Scott Roewer was chosen from among the nation’s elite professional organizers to share his knowledge in helping families manage time to its fullest potential.

Time Makeover began airing on November 17, 2007, on Fine Living. Through this new series, Fine Living shows viewers how to take back their lives and their time by asking experts to help families who are in dire need of rescue.

Fine Living is now distributed to more than 49.5 million households and is dedicated to empowering people to find the most rewarding ways to spend their time and energy. “None of us can fit everything into our schedule,” said Kent Takano, Vice President of programming for Fine Living, “but all of us can change it to fit in what we’d like to do. Each of the families in this show work with an expert to makeover their time to keep the household running, and add that special something they’ve been missing.”

Scott Roewer specializes in family organization solutions and time management. He assesses and customizes specific strategies tailored to his clients’ needs and values, allowing families to find and use that extra hour in every day. He will be working with two families airing on Time Makeover beginning on January 26, 2008.

The Lucchesi Family (Airdates January 26 and February 2, 2008) includes three children and a busy set of parents with two very different careers. The father, DC, gives a call for help, “It’s like a house full of Marines on shore leave and I’m just trying to keep the walls from falling in. Ok, it’s not that intense, but it’s incredibly demanding.” While parenthood is much harder than anyone usually expects, the demands of work, extra-curricular activities for the children and managing a household can quickly lead to valuable time slipping away between their fingers.

Kathi Lucchesi ponders what she would do if she had more time, “I would love to spend more one-on-one time with each of the kids, take some cooking or baking classes, a quiet afternoon, a date night with my husband, and some alone time, to take care of myself.”

Both Kathi and DC agree that they would spend more time with their children and each other. Roewer helps this family in crisis by compacting and reorganizing tasks in addition to reorganizing their kitchen space, because one of their goals is to take a cooking class. Learning to evaluate how much time it takes to accomplish each task is an important part of finding additional time for DC and Kathi to devote to each other.

The Liebman Family (Airdates TBD, March 2008) consists of four boys between 4 and 13 years old, a pilot for a private airline company and a part-time aesthetician/stay at home mom. Between attending football practice, eating dinner in the parking lot, and dealing with piles of untouched mail, this family is on the go all the time. Juggling all these activities is exhausting for the family. While Cindy runs the show, she also runs herself ragged.

Roewer concludes, “Cindy is honest and straightforward, an obvious expert on what goes on in her home. She wants help, but doesn’t want to relinquish any of her many roles. Mike, on the other hand, smiles and nods until I hit too close to home regarding something that he thinks may not go over well with the boys. Even the boys are honest in their responses to what I have to say about how they can help things run smoother.”

Scott Roewer, of Washington D.C, owns his own professional organizing business, Solutions by Scott. He is one of the Nation's inaugural Certified Professional Organizers® (CPO®) earning this designation in 2007. His professional associations begin with the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO). In April of 2007, Scott was appointed to the Board of Certification for Professional Organizers (BCPO®). That following May, Scott was elected for his second term as the President of the NAPO Washington, DC - Metro Chapter.

Scott also serves as the Director of Technology for the BCPO. He is an active member of the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization (NSGCD) and has earned the title, Chronic Disorganization Specialist.

For more information and additional airdates about Time Makeover on Fine Living, please contact Gary McCormick, Director of PR at Scripps Emerging Networks, 865-560-4143.

Solutions by Scott LLC
Scott Roewer