Author Discusses His Love for Boxing and Inspiration Behind His Graphic Novel "The Ring King" and Plans for the Launch of the App New Year’s Eve 2016

Children, youth and the kids at heart, especially boxing enthusiasts have become engaged in this entertaining series which has immense purpose, according to author and former collegiate athlete, Quincy McAdoo.

Chicago, IL, October 29, 2016 --( "The Ring King" comic was published in 2012, and then later released on Amazon in 2014. It is a full color, 30 page graphic novel following the fictional characters Michael Cage, aka “BOAT” and Wesley Hunt, aka “Poppa.” In the comic, these ring king prize fighters are preparing to square off in a New Year’s Eve showdown that will once and for all determine the best pound for pound fighter. Is it Cage? Is it Boat? Or is there more to it? The winner is revealed in Volume I of “The Ring King.” There is in fact more to it. In the comic, “there is a twist of sorts, a bit of irony,” according to author Quincy McAdoo. The winner of that match, yes, at first believes they are the greatest of all time, but upon “winning” they are launched back in time to go up against the “greatest of all greats,” the all time and highly fabled, Ring King. In addition to this, there is a message within “The Ring King” comic, and a story that many have already found to be creative, entertaining and engaging.

Through this entertaining graphic novel, and the corresponding media to follow; such as a forthcoming app and eventually an animated TV series, Author / Creator Quincy McAdoo brings attention to performance enhancement and advocates against it, as he believes one should achieve their “gains” through hard work. In addition to distribution through book stores, both on and off line, he wants to reach children and youth at the school level, so that they have direct access to this comic. He stresses the importance that one must work hard and attain their goals, through hard work and refining skill, in this case of focusing on athletics, and that “we as a society must instill that in our children and youth, while providing content which will engage them and get their attention so that they learn the proper things in life,” McAdoo stated in a recent interview. He continued, “I believe The Ring King series will definitely accomplish this.”

It is a comic book with depth and purpose, as well as one that engages both children and adults, according to peer reviews. Quincy McAdoo formulated the idea for this book when he was speaking with one of the students he coaches. They were having a discussion about who, according to each of them, was thought to be the greatest basketball player of all time. According to his 5th grade student it is Lebron James. McAdoo’s take on the subject, it is in fact Michael Jordan. According to Quincy McAdoo, this is when he realized how there are always “the best” athletes according to each specific generation, in terms of the opinions. McAdoo states, “so then I thought how can I represent this in an entertaining story where the sport represented is not a team sport but an individual sport, and that of course is boxing.” So it began. Quincy McAdoo conceptualized “The Ring King,” creating fictional characters, who possess some of the qualities of the all time boxing greats, and each with a strong desire to prove that they are the best all time fighter. The multiple generations are represented due to the fact that just when the “winner” thinks they are the “all time greatest,” they are in fact not. There is more to prove. The winner must go back in time to rival the other greats. The app will be released on New Year’s Eve 2016 since that is when the winner, Michael Cage (BOAT) or Wesley Hunt (Poppa) will have to travel back in time to fight an all-time great. The app will be available on both Android and iPhone “just in time,” according to the comic’s storyline. In the meantime, the full color, 30 page comic is available on Amazon and Amazon UK. In total there will be 4 Volumes, and each will have a corresponding app. It is recommended by McAdoo, if you haven’t learned the story of The Ring King yet, “now is the time to catch up and buy the comic, or as a kindle subscriber one can read it for free.”

Quincy McAdoo, Author of "The Ring King," is a former collegiate athlete and graduate of UNC Pembroke where he earned his Bachelor’s in Business Administration. His mission is to continue to create entertaining media, focusing on athletics, as well as his role as a “man on a mission to educate,” about the value of hard work, and to teach the importance of achieving one’s goals legitimately. News story provided by animal/social justice advocate, actress, director/producer and publicist, Lisa Pellegrene. For questions about this news story or to request interview opportunities with Quincy McAdoo, she may be contacted at lisa@lisapellegrene. Author Quincy McAdoo may be contacted via email at
The Ring King
Quincy McAdoo. Publicist Lisa Pellegrene
Publicist for the Ring King, Lisa Pellegrene may be contacted via email at