European Smart Grid Cyber Security 2017: Latest Updates from National Grid, Enel SpA, Energinet DK and Much More…
SMi Reports: Gain control and prevent security breach at the 7th annual European Cyber Security Smart Grid conference, taking place on 21- 22 March 2017 in London.
London, United Kingdom, November 16, 2016 --( Recently in the news: The analysts forecast the global smart grid cyber security market to grow at a CAGR of 9.79% during the period 2016-2020. (Source: Nasdaq*)
Following this, SMi Group is proud to announce that the 7th annual European Smart Grid Cyber Security conference will take place in London on 21st -22nd March, 2017.
With smart grid becoming increasingly sophisticated and complex throughout Europe, the cyber security threats in the industry are becoming extremely important and must be targeted. For this reason, the 2017 conference is an event not to be missed as it will cover major innovations and foster industry discussion between European utility companies as well as other key players in the market to enhance security and minimise threats.
This meeting will address how growing cyber security threats on the energy distribution grid in Europe can be prevented and controlled through advanced technological solutions and stakeholder engagement.
Enhance security protection for smart grid through case studies experience from National Grid, Enel SpA, Energinet DK, Smart Energy Code Company, MITRE, ElaaadNL & Enexis as well as introduction to latest smart metering programmes will be just some of the key focus at this year conference. For the full programme and speaker line-up, please visit
With attendance from DONG Energy, E.ON, Engie, SSE, Total and much more last year, join the 7th annual European Smart Grid Cyber Security in London to hear from and network with senior experts in cyber security from government, utilities, TSOs, regulators, solution providers, security consultants, senior engineers and more from UK, USA, Brazil Norway, Denmark, Italy, Netherland, Belgium.
For further information on the conference please go to
The Confirmed Speaker Panel for 2017 includes:
- Graham Wright, CISO & Global head of Digital Risk and Security, National Grid
- Alan Calder, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, IT Governance Ltd
- Giovanni Coppola, Program Manager, Enel SpA
- Michael John, Director of Consulting Services, European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS)
- Gordon Hextall, Chair: Smart Metering Security Sub Committee and Chair: SMKI PMA, Smart Energy Code Company (SECCo)
- Henrik Christiansen, CISO, Energinet DK
- Chris Folk, Director, National Protection & Response Division, Homeland Security Center, MITRE
- José Reynaldo Formigoni Filho, Senior Technology Development Manager for Information Security and Utilities, CPqD
- Frauke Thies, Executive Director, Smart Energy Demand Coalition
- Harm van den Brink, IT Architect, ElaadNL & Enexis
- Dieter Sarrazyn, Consultant & Managing Partner, Toreon CVBA and many more
Benefits of attending:
- Hear case-studies from UK, Norway, Denmark, Italy and many more
- Understand the important regulatory standards and how to make your company compliant
- Learn about the newest technological developments in cyber security
- Discuss how communication and human issues can be overcome
- Analyse the latest smart metering programmes
Running alongside the conference is an exclusive half-day post–conference workshop, taking place on the 23rd March 2017:
- Setting up defence in-depth. Hosted by Toreon CVBA and ONRIX gvc
Visit to view the complete list of speakers, the 2-day event schedule, and information on our workshop, delegates, sponsors and supporters.
Registration for the event is now opened. Places are very limited so register now to secure your place and save £400!
7th Annual European Smart Grid Cyber Security
21st – 22nd March 2017
Holiday Inn Kensington Forum, London, UK
Sponsors/Exhibitors: Contact Sadia Malick on +44(0) 207 827 6168,
Delegates/Groups: Contact Andrew Gibbons on +44 (0) 207 827 6156,
Media: Contact Theresa Chung on
About SMi Group:
Established since 1993, the SMi Group is a global event-production company that specializes in Business-to-Business Conferences, Workshops, Masterclasses and online Communities. We create and deliver events in the Defence, Security, Energy, Utilities, Finance and Pharmaceutical industries. We pride ourselves on having access to the worlds most forward thinking opinion leaders and visionaries, allowing us to bring our communities together to Learn, Engage, Share and Network. More information can be found at
Following this, SMi Group is proud to announce that the 7th annual European Smart Grid Cyber Security conference will take place in London on 21st -22nd March, 2017.
With smart grid becoming increasingly sophisticated and complex throughout Europe, the cyber security threats in the industry are becoming extremely important and must be targeted. For this reason, the 2017 conference is an event not to be missed as it will cover major innovations and foster industry discussion between European utility companies as well as other key players in the market to enhance security and minimise threats.
This meeting will address how growing cyber security threats on the energy distribution grid in Europe can be prevented and controlled through advanced technological solutions and stakeholder engagement.
Enhance security protection for smart grid through case studies experience from National Grid, Enel SpA, Energinet DK, Smart Energy Code Company, MITRE, ElaaadNL & Enexis as well as introduction to latest smart metering programmes will be just some of the key focus at this year conference. For the full programme and speaker line-up, please visit
With attendance from DONG Energy, E.ON, Engie, SSE, Total and much more last year, join the 7th annual European Smart Grid Cyber Security in London to hear from and network with senior experts in cyber security from government, utilities, TSOs, regulators, solution providers, security consultants, senior engineers and more from UK, USA, Brazil Norway, Denmark, Italy, Netherland, Belgium.
For further information on the conference please go to
The Confirmed Speaker Panel for 2017 includes:
- Graham Wright, CISO & Global head of Digital Risk and Security, National Grid
- Alan Calder, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, IT Governance Ltd
- Giovanni Coppola, Program Manager, Enel SpA
- Michael John, Director of Consulting Services, European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS)
- Gordon Hextall, Chair: Smart Metering Security Sub Committee and Chair: SMKI PMA, Smart Energy Code Company (SECCo)
- Henrik Christiansen, CISO, Energinet DK
- Chris Folk, Director, National Protection & Response Division, Homeland Security Center, MITRE
- José Reynaldo Formigoni Filho, Senior Technology Development Manager for Information Security and Utilities, CPqD
- Frauke Thies, Executive Director, Smart Energy Demand Coalition
- Harm van den Brink, IT Architect, ElaadNL & Enexis
- Dieter Sarrazyn, Consultant & Managing Partner, Toreon CVBA and many more
Benefits of attending:
- Hear case-studies from UK, Norway, Denmark, Italy and many more
- Understand the important regulatory standards and how to make your company compliant
- Learn about the newest technological developments in cyber security
- Discuss how communication and human issues can be overcome
- Analyse the latest smart metering programmes
Running alongside the conference is an exclusive half-day post–conference workshop, taking place on the 23rd March 2017:
- Setting up defence in-depth. Hosted by Toreon CVBA and ONRIX gvc
Visit to view the complete list of speakers, the 2-day event schedule, and information on our workshop, delegates, sponsors and supporters.
Registration for the event is now opened. Places are very limited so register now to secure your place and save £400!
7th Annual European Smart Grid Cyber Security
21st – 22nd March 2017
Holiday Inn Kensington Forum, London, UK
Sponsors/Exhibitors: Contact Sadia Malick on +44(0) 207 827 6168,
Delegates/Groups: Contact Andrew Gibbons on +44 (0) 207 827 6156,
Media: Contact Theresa Chung on
About SMi Group:
Established since 1993, the SMi Group is a global event-production company that specializes in Business-to-Business Conferences, Workshops, Masterclasses and online Communities. We create and deliver events in the Defence, Security, Energy, Utilities, Finance and Pharmaceutical industries. We pride ourselves on having access to the worlds most forward thinking opinion leaders and visionaries, allowing us to bring our communities together to Learn, Engage, Share and Network. More information can be found at
SMi Group
Theresa Chung
+44 (0) 20 7827 6068
Theresa Chung
+44 (0) 20 7827 6068
