Good Promotional Products is Having a Huge Site-Wide Sale

Business owners are constantly being bombarded by advertisers for radio, print, TV and even promotional items, but some of these advertising choices can be confusing as well as expensive. Here are some facts and figures that will help guide companies through purchasing promotional products and why they can be an affordable way to make a big impact on your customers and clients.

Pittsburgh, PA, December 24, 2016 --( National promotional products company, Good Promotional Products, has a special year end sale going on through the end of December. Categories including cold weather gear, health care, trade show, corporate gifts, technology and electronics as well as many more options are available. The sale extends to both new and returning clients. Companies can take advantage of a 10% off site-wide sale on all promotional products now through 11:59pm on December 31st, 2016.

About their Promotional Products:

Inexpensive Impressions: The average promotional product impression costs .6 cents in comparison with television and magazine ads which will more than double costs at 1.8 cents.

Return of the Investment: The ROI on promotional products delivered a better return on investment than radio and outdoor advertising, and is equal to TV and print

Relationship Development: When a potential client receives a promotional product they are 85% more as likely to work with a company in return.

Receive More Referrals: It is important to send a promotional product alongside of the proposal, which can boost referrals by 500%. A no-brainer, right?

Brand Impact: Even after two years up to 85% of promotional recipients can recall the advertiser and the product they received.

Customer Retention: The average promotional product is retained by a consumer from one year to over four years.

Brand Sharing: 62% of those who receive a promotional product will give that item away before throwing it out.

Conduct More Business: According to a Baylor University Study, 22% more business was conducted with sales associates who distributed promotional products alongside their pitch.

Please contact to order. Good Promotional Products is located out of Bridgville, PA, but is able to ship nationwide.

Good Promotional Products
Joe Bass
(888) 670-6786