"Triangle Within a Circle: The Globe and the People In It"

Like a Candle in the Darkness, the Past Can Illuminate the Future. Triangle Within a Circle is a new novel by Geoffrey Kofi Akuamoa that blends history and fantasy as it traces the adventures of a Portuguese family that settles on the West African coast in the fifteenth century. Triangle Within a Circle traces the family through the centuries, ending in the 1950s, with the Independence of Ghana and the immediate aftermath.

Los Angeles, CA, January 30, 2008 --(PR.com)-- "Triangle Within A Circle" is a new historical novel by Geoffrey Kofi Akuamoa that blends history and fantasy as it traces the adventures of a Portuguese family that settles on the West African coast in the fifteenth century.

Garriguesz and his sons experience the riches of life in Africa, and learn about the origins of the people, their languages, and their lifestyles, ever fascinated by the differences in customs, flora and fauna from their native land. The aim of the book is to provide an account of a little-understood region of the world, West Africa and Africa in general. Through the story of Garriguesz and his descendants, Akuamoa is able to show how encounters between people of the "old" world and the "new" bring about new ideas and change the course of human development. The innovative world brings changes towards an improved world. It is an eye-catching tale of exquisiteness, one that urges its readers, and especially, the young generation to question the past for the foundation of the present and the future. The book urges people to look for some center of deepening knowledge and meaning in life, to forgive and forget the past and to realize the role each human being on earth is meant to take part in today.

Triangle Within a Circle: The Globe and the People In It by Geoffrey Kofi Akuamoa
ISBN 10: 1432702173, 6x9 Paperback, 232 pages
ISBN 10: 1432700820, 6x9 Hardback w/Jacket, 232 pages
Retail Price: Paperback, US $11.95, CAN $14.95, UK £7.95
Retail Price: Hardback, US $22.95, CAN $28.95, UK £16.95
Availability: Baker & Taylor, Ingram, Amazon.com, Barnesand Nobles. Outskirtspress.com

Jeff Akvama
+47 75752075