New Releases from The Apollyon Group

Latest news from The Apollyon Group regarding new releases.

Phoenix, AZ, January 06, 2017 --( The Apollyon Group/Apollyon Entertainment will be releasing the latest EP "Three" from the Amazon and iTunes best selling band, Vorzug on January 10th. This release marks Vorzug's Third release on Apollyon Entertainment. The EP consists of three tracks "The Ever Living" "Nocturnity" and "Under A Dying Sun."

Vorzug bassist Rock Rollain proclaims, "We're very excited about this new album. This is proof that if you work hard at your craft you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. As the eldest member of the band, (I'm in my 50's) I wanted to show the kids buying our records that if you eat right, drink lots of water, and put your mind to it you will achieve your dreams." While newcomer guitarist Jayare Leos said, "We ate the cake with the baby inside of it."

The Apollyon Group will also be releasing the full length self-titled album Crucible Steel, from the band Crucible Steel. Release date is set for February 3rd 2017.
Apollyon Entertainment
Anthony Hoyes