"A Sometimes Strange Story" by Uri Norwich - an International Novel by the Author of "The American Deluge," is Released Today by Highwood Publishing New York

A wise scholar once said, “There is a plan for each one of us outside of our control. From the moment we are born, we are set on our own predetermined road. Anything we would do could help or interfere. It may delay the passage, but we would never stray off its course. We would always come back and move along again.” If a nineteen-year-old man listened to his instincts and took a different turn in Vienna, his entire life would have changed.

New York, NY, January 16, 2017 --(PR.com)-- A sequence of random encounters leads to unexpected events in the life of the young man. He finds himself in the foreign country on the other side of the globe. He doesn’t know anything about his adoptive land, he is all alone. Within a few short weeks, the man finds a job, a new home, a university to go to, and even a girl. All — without speaking the language. “If I told my college buddies back in Russia that I slept with an American girl, they would’ve thought I was out of my mind,” were his thoughts, studying his naked friend peacefully sprawled on the bed next to him.

The pace of his life intensifies with every new encounter, until one day, the young man finds himself transplanted from a rural Connecticut town to the Italian city of Milan. He must adapt to yet another country. He is thrown in the midst of other people’s lives, and becoming a part of it.

The book is available on paper and in all electronic formats at amazon.com and smashwords.com

For more information about “A Sometimes Strange Story,” or the Author Uri Norwich, please contact the Publicist “highwood publishing new york” at highwoodpublishingny@gmail.com.
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