New Features Added to the LeadStorm Mortgage Marketing Report Website

New features and upgrades have been made to the LeadStorm Report site that will make it more user friendly to Mortgage Loan Originators. LeadStorm is the premier product of FireStorm Marketing Group LLC.

Auburn, CA, February 01, 2008 --( Owners have greater control over the follow-up of both new and prior customers

The actual mortgage report site, the site consumers visit to obtain free mortgage reports, has been modified and upgraded to allow greater control by the site owner. Recent changes include both segments of the market; new prospects and prior customers.

For the new prospect the individual site owner can now select the frequency of the automatic reports. In the past the reports went on an every two weeks schedule. This allows adjustment by the site owner based upon his/her knowledge of the particular prospect’s situation.

The site owner will also have the same type of control over reports being sent to prior customers but in addition will have the ability to select from a list holidays and special events to recognize. These will be such things as home purchase/ loan anniversary, wedding anniversary and birthday as well as all standard holidays.

These changes make the product even more attractive to mortgage loan originators looking to remain in contact with their prospects and prior customers. Since loan originators are typically very busy trying to capture the next loan, they do not go out of their way to establish good business practices like consistent prospect and prior customer follow-up. LeadStorm, the premier product of FireStorm Marketing Group, is the answer.

The originator should think of this website like a net that catches all those hard-to-reach, unmotivated prospects and prior customers that normally slip through the cracks. It captures them, then warms them up so that they call that particular originator when they're ready.

A nice feature is that this all done automatically, so the originator doesn’t have to think about it. And they don't have to be a “techie” to make this website work.


If you would like more information about this topic call Wayne at 530-888-8877 or email him at: Additional information can also be had at:
FireStorm Marketing Group LLC
Wayne C. Weeks