HAVE, Inc.’s Digital Archiving Project for Dharma Communications

HAVE, Inc.’s MultiMedia Services division is assisting Dharma by transferring over 2000 Dharma audiocassettes to .wav or .mp3 digital audio files, carefully monitoring both file quality and file naming conventions, and preserving them on stable long life computer hard disc drives.

Hudson, NY, February 04, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Dharma Communications in Mt. Tremper, NY has chosen HAVE, Inc. to digitally archive their extensive library of audiocassette programs.

Digital Archiving is the process by which older analog formats of either audio or video master tapes are digitally encoded and stored on hard drive for preservation and for future use as digitally delivered media. Dharma Communications Audio (DC Audio) has an audio archive that spans twenty-five years, and offers recordings of dharma discourses and retreats by teachers in the Mountains and Rivers Order, talks by eminent scholars, readings of classic texts, and selected music. HAVE, Inc.’s MultiMedia Services division is assisting Dharma by transferring over 2000 Dharma audiocassettes to .wav or .mp3 digital audio files, carefully monitoring both file quality and file naming conventions, and preserving them on stable long life computer hard disc drives.

About Dharma
Dharma Communications is the not-for-profit educational arm of the Mountains and Rivers Order of Zen Buddhism, an organization of associated temples, practice centers, and sitting groups in the United States and abroad. Dharma Communications provides products and services to assist people interested in spiritual practice, particularly those on the path of Zen Buddhism. With their work, they strive to embody the spirit of right livelihood while utilizing modern technologies and long-tested forms of communication. The voluntary effort of lay practitioners, residents of Zen Mountain Monastery and monastics of the Order – the people who are Dharma Communications – is an expression of their dedication to spiritual practice.

About HAVE, Inc.
HAVE, Inc. MultiMedia Services division offers complete DVD/CD/Video/Audio duplication and replication services, including DVD and CD-Rom authoring and presentation development, video and audio encoding transcoding and archiving, video post production editing, audio and video streaming, pod-casting, and digital file delivery, project coordination, graphic design and printing for product and environmentally-friendly packaging, web-based order fulfillment, and associated multimedia services.

Contact HAVE, Inc. at 1-800-999-4283 toll free, email have@haveinc.com, or on the web at www.multimedia.haveinc.com. HAVE, Inc. – since 1977 doing business by the “Golden Rule”.

HAVE, Inc. MultiMedia Services
Kevin Stein