New eCommerce Site Launched

The old adage "what goes around, comes around" certainly seems to have proved itself true in the case of barter, the world's oldest-and, some would say, cheapest and most basic way of doing business. Already a $16 billion annual industry prior to the coming of the Internet, a recent surge in online bartering sites promises an even more robust future for people wanting to conserve cash by trading products, skills, and services in the New Economy.

Palm Beach, FL, February 04, 2008 --( The newest e-commerce site on the web is more of a social shopping network. People can not only exchange goods and services, there is a forum to exchange money saving tips. The company's mission is to raise the awareness that there are many people whose disposable income level is tight right now. Some people prefer not to pay retail because of pressing bills like a mortgage payment. This means the disposable income for "luxury items" may be available but is much less. caters to buyers and sellers who want to truly barter for great deals. This is an affordable no fee site that doesn’t want to attract cut throat dealers. There are already enough auction and list sites to attract those types of merchants. This site is for people who want to be socially conscientious shoppers, people who truly believe in bartering and hate those crowded places that attract all kinds of crazies. The socially conscience Boomer Consumer is the new consumer and bartering is a strategic tool for the New Economy that creates win-win.

The 21st century is a disposable society. People waste stuff. There is enough surplus stuff in the backs of closets, attics, basements and garages. There is an epidemic of a shop-a-holics who buy, buy, buy and then discard. New gadgets come out like I-pods, cell phones, and televisions that are disposed of when the new “it” item comes out. This site encourages people to barter, beg or buy items in a fair market. Posting sites and auctions sites are all over the web so the company wanted a different angle. It's a combination of the philanthropic and entrepreneurial spirit.

People can make real deals that may help someone who is struggling and also help people who want to make deals for stuff they aren’t using. Everyone wins in a socially conscience shopping atmosphere. People will get a chance to purchase something that may be out of their reach at a retail store or auction and sellers get to make deals through bartering. The website is more about the heal vs. the deal. -become a Boomer Consumer today.

Rita Brewer