Essex Stone Floor Cleaner Announces Improved Website Experience Statistics

There are many ways in which the success of a business can be analysed. MCS Stonecare have devised an astute way in which they can monitor their success over any given year. They are pleased to announce year on year improvement in their service provision.

Essex, United Kingdom, March 01, 2017 --( MCS Stonecare are an Esssex-based stone cleaning and stone restoration Company. They have achieved a lot in their many years in business. This continues as they monitor their progress in many different ways. This is to ensure that they are not missing out on any niche opportunities. Their exceptional service is non-wavering and without exception. They realise that this is not the only way in which they can help their business succeed in challenging times.

Alongside this they are continuously monitoring the analytics of their growing website. These analytics provide an insight into their audience and the way in which they interact with the site. They have devised an intelligent way of increasing site visits and average time spent on their site. Furthermore they set themselves a challenging task of reducing bounce rate to ensure that their targeted audience remain intrigued by their services. Their aim was to ensure that each client enjoyed an interactive experience and the opportunity to learn more about this exceptional Company.

Recent figures confirm the success in these areas. The figures analysed range between February 2015 to February 2016 and these are compared to figures received from February 2016 to February 2017. MCS Stonecare have reported an increase in average site session by 13%. This has been further backed up by a reduction of bounce rate by nearly a half in the same term.

These impressive figures show that this Company’s marketing strategies have worked impressively. It is also understood that the Company have set equally challenging goals for the year to come. This is both enviable and inspiring to the local competition. Alongside this, it shows the importance of investment into Internet presence and the ability to navigate successfully through all aspects of this.

Mark Lane-Matthews, founder of MCS Stonecare commented, “We are astounded to learn the success of the last year, based on our ability to set and achieve such challenges. We have achieved this at the same time that we have offered an exceptional service to each of our clients. This has worked seamlessly aside our ability to focus on customer service. This really does show that we need to remain vigilant and we look forward to the next year to successfully grow our Company.”

It is incredible to identify small-businesses that care so much about their customers and the service they receive. All whilst consistently pushing themselves to achieve new and improved experiences for their online audience.

Further information is available at

To contact Mark, email
MCS Stonecare
Mark Lane-Matthews
01279 866838